Not as easy as it seems.....

Well, there you are, how lovely to see you again, I hope the world is smiling on you, wherever you might be as you read this…anyway, as you’re here, I had better offer you something – this would be so much easier if I had cake, don’t you think? Or maybe wine, that would be good too. But as despite the ever-growing world of technological discovery has yet to work out how to send out cyber edible treats, I guess I had better write something…

So, perhaps I should try and talk about writing a book, as I’ve done two and should be working on the third, but as you’ve stopped by, that would be kinda rude to ignore you. I wonder if you think as I did, writing a book was relatively easy, after all, if you know what the story is going to be, it’s surely just a question of typing it all down, getting published and waiting for the royalties to roll in to buy that place in the South of France. I regret to inform you, it turns out to be anything but easy, in fact, it can be hard, very hard and so frustrating too. There were many times I just wanted to quit, as I felt the plot made no real sense, the characters had all the emotional depth of the average sock puppet and the ending? Well, just so far-fetched I could have thrown in the unexpected appearance of a rampant dinosaur and it would have had more credibility, than the mawkish, contrived nonsense spouted out by my main character. But, after countless hours of ranting or crying at my stunning lack of skill and talent, I sat down and tried again, and you know something? It’s actually true, that saying about the more you do, the better you’ll get, because after some time, I could read through the days’ work and quite like it! And when that happens, it’s just magical really, you fall into bed, feeling hopeful for the next day which is, after all, what we all need to feel – whatever we do.
When I started the first novel, I thought I would find it relatively straightforward for another reason, as I decided to go with the adage ‘write about what you know.’ Let me tell you, in my experience, this can only make things harder, as sometimes, for the plot to work, you have to revisit parts of your life you generally prefer to forget or, at best, leave in the past. But although that can be difficult, it does (hopefully) give your writing a depth, an honesty which the reader can empathise with, even if they’ve never been in that particular situation themselves.

Another issue is dialogue and how to make it convincing, now, on the face of it, it should be simple, we all talk, therefore all you have to do is write that down! Again, this turns out not to be true either. If you think about it, nobody really speaks fluently, there are countless ‘ers’, ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ when most of us hold a conversation. So what’s the writer to do? If you put them all in, you end up with the world’s longest and possibly most boring book, or you leave them all out and every character ends up sounding like they’re reading the news- either way isn’t good, is it? And what about when your character has an accent? Do you try and write how they actually speak? I decided probably no, so when I included an American in my story, her words are written minus any ‘howdy’,y’all or ‘how you doin’’ I hope the fact I’ve established her nationality early on, will be enough to tell the reader what she potentially sounds like. I guess this could be seen as cheating in some way, but for me, if your reader’s time is spent attempting to decipher what the hell your characters are saying, however well you feel you’ve captured the nuances of the chosen accent, they will eventually lose patience and your book!

So there you are, that’s probably enough for now, this third book isn’t going to write itself – yes that’s another problem, however expensive your laptop might be, you do have to do all the typing.

It’s been lovely seeing you again, feel free to stop by any time, so until then…

Take care out there xx


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