Now, for those of you who have read 'songs from the playlist', you might be wondering if the 'home movies' I mention in the book actually exist, well, I'm here to tell you - they do indeed !
Now, before I go on, they're not amazing when it comes to quality, but in my defence, I had never tried filming anything before and had certainly never used editing software. So, I have to admit, the earlier films are a little 'shaky' but, I'd like to think, they do improve as more were added. Like many things, what I originally envisaged didn't entirely come to fruition, but, if nothing else, I gave it a go ! So to begin, this is the profile picture I chose for the channel - classy, huh ? haha
Now, there are a few films on there, so to save you some time, this is what the channel looks like :-
As you'll see, there are few called 'Finding Melbourne', this was a short series I put together to give an impression of what life was like there, most of the others show places I visited. As a side note, I'm hoping if you do decide to read the book, watching the films will make you feel as if you've been there too- especially the New Year's Eve fireworks which was undoubtedly one of the highlights !
However, there is one short film called 'Bad Luck Burchum', which came about because there was a film festival in Melbourne and I recklessly thought I should enter. I opted to try a 'silent movie' genre and I can assure you, nobody was more surprised than me, when I was given an award !
I guess it remains to be seen whether I shall try making more movies in the future, but I am unbelievably happy I did these films, they bring back so many incredibly happy memories and were a source of inspiration while I was writing the book.
Anyway, as always, thank you for all the kind words of encouragement, I hope you enjoy watching my adventures and so it only remains for me to say....
Here's the link to the whole channel :-
Take care and break out the popcorn xx