It's all rather revealing...

Well, my friends, at last I have a moment to sit down and catch up with you all, I hope you're all well and things are looking positive. The last week has been such a mix of emotions, so please forgive me, if I end up rambling a bit off topic today. Anyway, with that said, perhaps I should explain a little further...

As some of you with long memories might remember, I started work on a trilogy, the 'Within' series and actually managed to get the first two instalments done fairly successfully. But then a whole heap of other stuff happened, ( which happens to everyone,doesn't it ? ) and I never finished the third part. Well, after finally managing to find some kind of balance, I finished and released the book last week and it was just an amazing experience ! Mainly because those closest to me, thought it would never happen ! As happens with book launches, suddenly you're asked all manner of questions about the story, the whys and the wherefores, motivations etc So I thought I might answer some of the most frequently asked here, for two reasons, firstly, it would give those who are interested the answers, and secondly, it makes me look a bit more at my own thought process.

So what's 'Within' about ? Well, it's a fairly straightforward story of an ordinary woman who meets someone-purely by chance- and both their lives are changed, as are those of the people around them. As to why I wrote this particular story ? The truth is, I really don't know, I was just sure I wanted to try and write a book which might strike a chord with people. At the time I began, the 'Fifty Shades' phenomena was at its height, which, in turn, gave birth to many other books about troubled millionaires who have playrooms ( none including Lego !) and their domination of young women. For millions of readers, this was the stuff of their sexual fantasies, they pictured themselves blindfolded and handcuffed to the bedpost, while their moody lover ordered them to be passionate.

I have nothing but respect for the authors who can write this kind of genre so effectively, but it was abundantly clear, I was not going to join their ranks. Aside from anything else, I have a deep-seated, ( some might say irrational) fear of being restrained and can be almost claustrophobic at the merest hint of sense deprivation. So I knew my story would have to be somewhat different and maybe explore areas of life which were more within my own knowledge and experience. I do completely agree, you don't always have to write about what you know, but, as this was my first book, it seemed a little safer.

I am often asked, if the main character is based on me and if the events described are based on truth. I think there are certainly aspects of Carrie, which are directly me, after all, the book is written in the first person, so I guess that was always going to happen. However, it's also true to say, although we share certain characteristics, I've heightened them in the story for a more 'dramatic' effect. As for the events ? Some did happen in 'real' life, others only in my imagination. I am actually very flattered when people do think the whole story is true, as this hopefully means, the writing feels genuine, which is what I was aiming for at the start of the process.

As a side note, I think authors do reveal aspects of themselves in their books, it's hard not too..after all, you're talking about emotional situations and so it would be very difficult not to put some of yourself and your own feelings into the mix. Unless of course, you're writing a non-fiction book about accountancy, the law, brain surgery etc where including an internal monologue amongst all the facts and figures would be beyond confusing !

Since the book's release, I've been asked how I feel about my work being out in the world..this is hard to answer because like many things in life, a lot of different emotions make an appearance. In my case, there was relief it was finally done, followed by excitement when it went public..then came the anxiety of hoping people liked it, or, if what I had written even made sense ! I found myself logging into Amazon to track the sales figures, to see if it was going up or down the rankings...oh yes, it all got a bit obsessive. But now, I am at the blissful stage of just being happy  I finished the series and can now consider what might come next.

I do find writing kind of a therapy, in some ways, as it does mean I have an opportunity to think about things more exciting than the weekly shopping list or did I remember to switch off the oven before I went out ? Over recent weeks, I've spent a lot of time wondering what my characters might do next, which is much more absorbing than doing the laundry. I can completely understand why some writers create whole wonderful, magical worlds, as they are transported far away from the every day. I have yet to attempt this style of writing myself, it must require so much research and forethought, after all, every society has it's rules, its boundaries and you probably have to make sure you have all of them in place before you even start. As an example, if your world includes magical creatures, you have to factor in their dietary needs, can they fly or not ? Do they have natural enemies ? Are they a herd or solitary creature ? The list is seemingly endless. So as I have yet to reach the level of discipline this kind of work requires, I shouldn't be at all surprised, if my next book is about 'real' world life.

Well, that's probably enough for now, I am so glad I was able to get here and so sorry, its taken this long ! Before I go, I should like to thank all of you who have got in touch, I do love hearing from you and you nearly always leave me thinking, which is a great gift. Perhaps that's part of why I write, be it this little blog or a fully-grown book, it's a way of communicating with people which, in today's busy and often fraught world, is always a blessing.

So thank you again and, as always, until next time....

Take care out there xxx

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