Barely Moving...the pitfalls of Over-Consumption
Oh dear, my friends, you find me today, slumped on the sofa and barely able to move...and it's all my own fault. Hopefully, you have shown more restraint over the past couple of days, when confronted with all the festive edible goodies...sadly, I did not and I am now regretting all those 'just one more mouthful' moments. But even amongst all the indulgence, I can promise you, I have not forgotten how different things might have been which, perhaps, (she said hopefully) can make it easier to forgive my somewhat wanton disregard for the phrase 'everything in moderation.'
After all, it was only a matter of months ago, when I was homeless and facing almost certain destitution. If you had told me back then, I would be spending Christmas in my own home, with an oven to cook on and a fridge to store food...well, I would not have believed it. Truth is, if you'd told me I would have a sofa to collapse on, that would have seemed pretty unlikely too. My point is, my little bit of gluttony is not the end of the world, to be honest, I do feel my long-suffering daughter and I deserve a few luxuries. As I have said before, most pleasurable things ( as long as they're legal) aren't a 'bad' idea, after all, without them - from time to time - life would be pretty dull and very hard going.
So while we are talking about deserving things, there is no question, I definitely have to accept, my current state has been earned. It all started so well too ! I was going to have a reasonably-sized dinner with perhaps a light dessert, all washed down with a glass or two of something sparkling and alcoholic. See ? It sounds like a wonderful plan, but as is plain to see was a plan I did not maintain. It took little more than the vaguest scent of the food cooking...and the carefully calculated,reasoned approach, became nothing more than a distant memory. Thankfully, it would seem I am not the only one who didn't just give in to temptation, but opened the door and welcomed it with open arms ( or should that be mouth ?)
Earlier today, I ventured out into the world, on the premise of getting some form of exercise. I didn't actually believe a short walk would somehow magically undo the numerous calories I had managed to consume yesterday, but it did make me feel a little bit worthy. So I lumbered off down the road and quickly encountered other souls who would not have seemed out of place in a zombie movie. There were some who were clearly incredibly hungover, their eyes had no expression, their skin was pale and they walked as if the road beneath their feet, might well give way at any moment. On other days, we might have stopped and exchanged pleasantries, but it took only the slightest glance, to know any kind of conversation - however meaningless- was way beyond us all. Others just looked exhausted, hardly able to believe, despite the vast amount of shopping they'd bought only 48 hours ago, here they were, heading off to the supermarket again ! Yes, we were a sorry-looking group !
As for me, well, having bought a few healthier options than my previous purchases, which, if the freezer is anything to go by, seemed to have included, my body weight in ice cream...I ambled back, hoping against hope, that even this pathetic movement might have shifted something off my bloated frame. It was this notion which heralded today's downfall ! As the hours passed, my short walk ( in my mind) became a lengthy hike and so when dinner time approached this evening, consuming more food seemed almost logical ! This belief prompted more excess and now, here I am, stranded on the sofa, waiting for some kind of tide to carry me off to my bedroom.
I am not asking or expecting any kind of sympathy, after all, its blatantly clear, I don't deserve any...but, I hope you will forgive my assertion, to have this brief time of having too much only really balances the months of having nothing at all
With the New Year festivities fast approaching, I intend to spend the next few days being far more sensible, so, I rely on you all, to take the indulgence baton from me and run with it, eating and drinking as you go....having the very best of times ! When this season has passed, we will be forced back to facing reality, so, it seems to me..let's enjoy every moment we have before that happens !
Obviously, I wish you all the very happiest of New Years, filled with purpose and prosperity...but until the clock chimes midnight on that auspicious night, perhaps just find pleasure where you can....until the next time....
Take care out there xx
After all, it was only a matter of months ago, when I was homeless and facing almost certain destitution. If you had told me back then, I would be spending Christmas in my own home, with an oven to cook on and a fridge to store food...well, I would not have believed it. Truth is, if you'd told me I would have a sofa to collapse on, that would have seemed pretty unlikely too. My point is, my little bit of gluttony is not the end of the world, to be honest, I do feel my long-suffering daughter and I deserve a few luxuries. As I have said before, most pleasurable things ( as long as they're legal) aren't a 'bad' idea, after all, without them - from time to time - life would be pretty dull and very hard going.
So while we are talking about deserving things, there is no question, I definitely have to accept, my current state has been earned. It all started so well too ! I was going to have a reasonably-sized dinner with perhaps a light dessert, all washed down with a glass or two of something sparkling and alcoholic. See ? It sounds like a wonderful plan, but as is plain to see was a plan I did not maintain. It took little more than the vaguest scent of the food cooking...and the carefully calculated,reasoned approach, became nothing more than a distant memory. Thankfully, it would seem I am not the only one who didn't just give in to temptation, but opened the door and welcomed it with open arms ( or should that be mouth ?)
Earlier today, I ventured out into the world, on the premise of getting some form of exercise. I didn't actually believe a short walk would somehow magically undo the numerous calories I had managed to consume yesterday, but it did make me feel a little bit worthy. So I lumbered off down the road and quickly encountered other souls who would not have seemed out of place in a zombie movie. There were some who were clearly incredibly hungover, their eyes had no expression, their skin was pale and they walked as if the road beneath their feet, might well give way at any moment. On other days, we might have stopped and exchanged pleasantries, but it took only the slightest glance, to know any kind of conversation - however meaningless- was way beyond us all. Others just looked exhausted, hardly able to believe, despite the vast amount of shopping they'd bought only 48 hours ago, here they were, heading off to the supermarket again ! Yes, we were a sorry-looking group !
As for me, well, having bought a few healthier options than my previous purchases, which, if the freezer is anything to go by, seemed to have included, my body weight in ice cream...I ambled back, hoping against hope, that even this pathetic movement might have shifted something off my bloated frame. It was this notion which heralded today's downfall ! As the hours passed, my short walk ( in my mind) became a lengthy hike and so when dinner time approached this evening, consuming more food seemed almost logical ! This belief prompted more excess and now, here I am, stranded on the sofa, waiting for some kind of tide to carry me off to my bedroom.
I am not asking or expecting any kind of sympathy, after all, its blatantly clear, I don't deserve any...but, I hope you will forgive my assertion, to have this brief time of having too much only really balances the months of having nothing at all
With the New Year festivities fast approaching, I intend to spend the next few days being far more sensible, so, I rely on you all, to take the indulgence baton from me and run with it, eating and drinking as you go....having the very best of times ! When this season has passed, we will be forced back to facing reality, so, it seems to me..let's enjoy every moment we have before that happens !
Obviously, I wish you all the very happiest of New Years, filled with purpose and prosperity...but until the clock chimes midnight on that auspicious night, perhaps just find pleasure where you can....until the next time....
Take care out there xx