The Selfishness of Entitlement
Hello Everyone, I hope you're all staying safe and well, although I know many across the world are still gripped by the Coronavirus and are rightly concerned for their friends and family. I don't know about you, but 'normal' life seems little more than a distant memory, when we could simply stroll around shops, grab a drink from a coffee shop or maybe pause for a glass of wine at a local bar. I have been made very aware of how I took those freedoms for granted, I also know, when the cloud lifts, I will NEVER fail to appreciate these everyday things again. But until there are clear skies again, I believe we all need to take very good care of each other - by adhering to the simple rules most of our governments have put in place. So we are wearing masks, sanitising hands, social distancing while generally being more mindful of not only our safety but of the wider community. Sadly, this is not the case for everyone - across the world, there are those who clearly believe they do not need to look beyond themselves, the rules are not for them and, they have no hesitation in loudly venting their views. I honestly cannot remember a day when I have looked at social media and not seen film clips of someone being completely obnoxious - be it in a store or just in general day-to-day life. I know, like all of you, I find myself feeling a whole range of emotions, anger, embarrassment, despair, but predominantly overwhelming concern for the poor employee who is standing, being roundly abused by someone who is yelling their 'disgust' at being politely asked to comply with store policy.
So often, the abuser will screech they believe their human rights are being 'violated' or they believed they lived in a 'free' country. As if the suggestion of taking really quite easy measures to protect their own community, is deeply offensive. Sadly, it doesn't seem to ever occur to them, they are abusing the rights of workers to do their job without being verbally and/or physically attacked ! Having watched many of these clips, I have been left wondering, how does anyone get to this point of feeling quite so entitled ? What has happened to them, they can be so blatantly selfish ?
While thinking about this, I looked at the comments sections of some of those posts I mentioned and, I have not found a single remark which -in any way- supports the abuser. Now I have looked at all countries, ( yes it seems this is a global problem), and despite cultural, societal, religious etc differences, there is no question, everyone finds this entitled behaviour completely unacceptable. As I looked further, I found several clips where the perpetrator will, (and I'm being polite here), forcefully suggest, the Coronavirus itself is nothing more than a hoax and so there is no need for rules of behaviour. This announcement is followed by words along the lines of 'you're all stupid for believing it.' Now, I think we can all agree, even though, at times, the media clearly can be more than a little creative when discussing rates of infection etc But that doesn't alter the obvious fact, this virus exists and is claiming lives on a daily basis. When we accept that truth, it's not difficult to understand, it's for all of us to try and reduce the level of infection. If we decide to ignore it ? Well, we have all seen what happens, hospitals become overwhelmed with cases, vital equipment becomes increasingly scarce and lives are lost. Obviously this has wider implications for society, employment, education, financial security..the list goes on - so with all this evidence, it's beyond belief ANYONE would try and say, 'it's not happening.'
I have tried to work out why these people behave this way and I started with fear, could it be they cannot face the prospect of serious illness so it seems easier to live in denial? I guess that could be true of some. Perhaps, they struggle to deal with change, so having to queue, to sanitise and certain establishments being closed - maybe that's too much for them. I am more than prepared to believe, a percentage of these people do fall into these categories, but sadly, it does feel, the vast majority genuinely feel, they should not be inconvenienced in any way. Why should I have to wait ? Why do I have to wear a mask ? But I want more than two packs of toilet rolls, so why do I have to abide by the restrictions ? All these questions and so many more, usually peppered with a range of expletives I cannot repeat here, screamed at someone who is trying to do their job. Someone who doesn't make company policy or write the government guidelines - but has been instructed to follow them.
I do have a hope, maybe one of these abusers will see themselves online and reflect on their behaviour. After all, there can't be many people who would watch with glowing pride, as they watch a torrent of foul-mouthed, downright ignorant language spewing from their own mouths. But, as I said, that's only my hope because for these truly 'entitled' people, they would probably only see themselves as , 'standing up for their rights.'
It's often been said, the level of this pandemic is unprecedented, there is barely a corner of the world that hasn't been touched by it. We will only overcome the devastating effects, if we all make a genuine effort to think of each other. I have friends, who proudly display pictures of their beautiful children and grandchildren, it's for all of us to keep them as safe as possible. Likewise those with older relatives who are also a vulnerable group, they are our collective responsibility too - so if by simply washing hands, wearing a mask, adhering to rules can help keep those people healthy, what possible reason can there be to decide, it's somehow beyond you to try ?
I honestly believe we are experiencing a time when we really are, 'all in this together', we can only hope, these few will see themselves not as 'better' than everyone else and want to join the global effort to bring health and wellbeing back to everyone....until then...
Take care out there xx
P.S. I am aware, it's become common to refer to the 'stars' of these film clips as 'Karens', this is the one part of this discussion, I cannot participate. Relatively recently, I was fortunate to work with someone of that name, who showed me nothing but support and encouragement - so I hope you understand.