If going right doesn't work for you...go left !
Well, it's been quite the time here, so I'm hoping life for you all is going well and you're managing to keep some kind of grip on the world as it seems to be spinning and dipping all over the place. COVID restrictions come and go, depending on which way the wind is blowing, so hopefully, you're managing to keep up better than me. Like many of you, I've been mask-wearing in an effort to protect those who I contact within any given day. I know there are many who feel, (for a variety of reasons, some sane, some not so much), wearing a mask is part of some conspiracy plot. I am not qualified to discuss the effectiveness of covering my face while out and about, but I do know, I don't want to be inadvertently responsible for making someone else sick - so the mask is staying. At first, being honest, I did feel slightly ridiculous wearing an item of clothing which was originally designed for those in the medical profession - but now, well, if that is what it takes ? Well, so be it.
But as I've been virtually housebound, I have found focusing on being creative has helped me cope, as I was undoubtedly starting to slide down the sadly familiar slope towards debilitating depression. As I've said before, like many of you, 2020 began with the promise of a whole new way of life and has sadly failed to deliver at all. Plans were cancelled, dreams were dashed - it was all looking decidedly gloomy for a long time. But then, as often can happen, a tiny light appeared in the darkness and a whole new path has opened for me which is proving to be monumentally hard work and time-consuming - but doing something is always better than doing nothing !
My new shop on Redbubble has now been open for approximately a month now, there are over 120 designs, divided into collections and the sales are gently rolling in - who would have thought such a thing was possible ? Certainly not me. Although there has always been a steady stream of creativity flowing through my life, there is no way I would have predicted, it would be as marketable as it seems to be. It does feel as if all my 'working life' experience is finally being channelled into an enterprise which could, (fingers crossed) be a steady source of income. I would be lying if I said, this had always been my chosen path - obviously it's not, but perhaps that's the point, it's a new way to go as my original plan collapsed and, at least for now, seems unlikely to resurface. I have to confess, I do mourn the, hopefully temporary, passing of my writing career, but I would like to think the time and opportunity will arise again in the future.
As I watched all the plans fade into the Coronavirus abyss, it was heart-breaking, like so many others, I was both resentful and riddled with raw frustration. 'Why did this have to happen ?' I wailed, but my self-pity was soon brought to an abrupt halt, when I saw news reports of those currently struggling to just stay alive in many hospitals. Could I really compare my setbacks to those literally fighting to live ? Obviously not. So, I resolved, it was time to stop whining about the apparent 'injustices of my life' and do something more positive with my time - so the Redbubble shop was born.
As I knew so little about this new era, I have watched countless YouTube videos about how to succeed in this new world. Some are presented by almost frighteningly confident people who profess to know everything it takes to succeed, whereas others are slightly less forceful and just share their top tips. No prizes for guessing which advice I have chosen to follow ! Despite what you may think, I am really not one of those hard-hitting go-getters at all ! I am deeply-respectful of their drive, determination and ambition, but I do not share their self-confidence so I've opted for a slightly less 'full-on' approach and for now, it seems to be working for me. As a side note, I am hoping, as sales increase, I might well find myself having a bit more self-belief, but only time will tell.
So what wisdom can I share from my own experience ? Well, if your chosen dream does seem to have been scuppered by a life event which could not have been predicted - I would strongly recommend a day or two of feeling truly sorry for yourself. Eat ice cream, gulp down mouthfuls of chocolate, swig that bottle of wine while possibly playing depressing songs accompanied by intermittent sobbing. The plain fact is, at times, life really is not fair, so wallow in everything that phrase might mean to you - but take note, I said 'wallow', I did not say, 'take up permanent residence.' On that morning when you wake up feeling horribly hungover and/or slightly nauseous - that's when it's time to rethink your direction. Now it could be, this new path might only be a slight detour and you'll soon be back on your original track. But equally, it could herald a whole new beginning ! Either way, it has to be better than wishing for something which, for now at least, cannot happen.
I think if this pandemic has taught us all anything, it's to value what's really important - aside from obviously the safety of friends and family, your own mental stability must be a priority. Mine was rocked and if it had not been for the support of those closest to me, I might well have tumbled down the rabbit hole of despair.
I know how blessed I am and I am truly grateful for those who have stuck with me and switched the light back on in my life which was decidedly dark. Whatever your own situation, there is hope - yes I know that's a cliche- but there really is ! You just have to keep going, keep your head up, even when every fibre of your being wants to look down. I am not saying, my little shop on Redbubble is some amazing enterprise - but I am saying, it's a step forward and I have no doubt at all, you are absolutely capable of finding your own new direction.
We will get through this year, I know it can feel as if things only get worse, but if we keep moving, we will emerge at the end- perhaps a little battered and bruised but mostly intact. Anyway, perhaps that's enough for now, I wish you all good health, stay safe and thank you so much for all your messages, I love hearing how you are and what you're doing- if nothing else, this little blog does provide us all with a point of contact and that's another great blessing...so until the next time...
Take care out there xx
P.S. I have intentionally not included a link to the shop as this is not about self-promotion, but as some of you have asked, the name is 'Artful Hideaway.'