Difficult Days
Hello Everyone, I know it's been a while since I wrote a post but, there have been so many difficult days across the world, it does feel overwhelming. Obviously, the ongoing pandemic crisis affects so many of us across the world. We are 'treated' to depressing statistics on an almost daily basis which, in my opinion, do nothing to maintain morale of the public. I am all for being kept informed, but being fed more and more 'gloom and doom', is more than almost anyone can stand. As regular readers know, I am a firm believer in having hope- especially when things look particularly bleak- so it seems to me, we could all use some positivity now. After all, in most nations across the world, vaccination programmes are being implemented, thousands of people do catch the virus, but most of them will survive. Would it not be more useful to talk about the successes rather than dwell on the most distressing aspects? Obviously, all of us feel tremendous sympathy for those families who have lost loved ones and, of course, that loss does need to be acknowledged and recorded. But equally, how about we highlight those who have survived?
I honestly cannot remember a time when so much of the world was facing such traumatic times and for so many different reasons, it can hardly be surprising there is an overwhelming desire for life to get back to some kind of normal again. Speaking personally, I have found it increasingly difficult to look towards the future, preferring to a 'take each day as it comes' approach and, to be honest, I have learned a great deal. I don't put off reaching out to people, I deal with all kinds of correspondence on the day it arrives and have been infinitely more proactive than I had been. I have recently started a daily exercise routine, setting aside time to really focus on my physical health which has undoubtedly suffered since the lockdown began last March. But now, I am starting to feel the benefit of self care, healthier food choices and exercise won't instantly 'cure' my mental health issues but they will definitely be more beneficial than having days pass by in a blur, with my not being entirely sure whether its Friday or Monday.
As for the world as a whole, I genuinely believe, these dark days will pass and the human race will recover from everything that's happened, but it's for all of us to make sure that happens. I feel the human spirit is about compassion, love and caring for each other more than anything else, after all, every religion talks about the importance of family and the wider community. Throughout the pandemic, there have been hundreds of reports about the extraordinary work of all the healthcare professionals and aside from their medical expertise, surely its their commitment to helping everyone in society which should be something we all embrace within our own experience. So many people are fearful, some of the Coronavirus, others of extremist groups and still more when they look ahead. I think we can all agree, living in such fear is harmful and maybe we can all try to be more reassuring, to make people feel less alone and therefore strengthen our communities through peaceful and compassionate means.
Finally, I would like to thank all of those who reach out to my family with positive thoughts, good wishes and love. I have absolutely no doubt, it is because I am so blessed, I do have such faith in people. When I am at my lowest, I know there are people who will do all they can to lift me back up and fortunately, I have been able to reciprocate when they're struggling. I was especially touched when a lady messaged me and asked how I was doing, she was from the USA and we had not had any kind of communication in the past. When I replied, I asked her, why she had felt drawn to write to me, a stranger and she replied, she had read and enjoyed one of my books, but more importantly, because we are neighbours.
So you see, my friends, it's that very attitude which will bring us out of these dark times, so however bad things seem, please try and remember, there is always light out there...until next time...
Take care out there xx