Fit for Purpose ? Well, maybe...
Hello Everyone, I apologise for my absence but family stuff has meant I needed to focus on home and away from everything else. Before I go any further, obviously, to all of us still in lockdown, I hope your sanity is holding up, let's hope the various vaccines do their work and we are all free again soon. Also, my thoughts are with the good people of Texas, who have been suffering awful weather but, more importantly, have been without power, fresh water etc for a few days now.
I can only hope, the authorities are doing everything possible to ensure your lives assume some kind of normality very soon. Despite the incredibly harsh conditions, I have seen there have been extraordinary acts of kindness, which just reminds us all in the pure goodness of most people. I am blessed to have friends who live in the state and they're facing the hardship with real spirit, (not to mention the occasional song), so I know, as long as they receive the right kind of support, they'll get through.
As for the rest of us, as I said, possible freedom from the constraints of the last year, is a distinct hope now and with that in mind, I decided to check I was, in fact ready, to be released back into an unsuspecting world. Alas, I have to report, maybe not, the months of isolation have not been kind and I am barely recognisable as me. But after some weeks of feeling there really was no point anymore, I have, at last, started to try and get some kind of grip. My youngest daughter and I have started doing a regular online aerobics class which seemed like a very good idea as we have barely moved for some months. The teacher is an American lady who thankfully is not too perky but is clearly very committed to spreading the world regarding the health benefits of exercise. Along with her merry band, they seemingly effortlessly make their way through the range of the class activities without so much as a bead of sweat appearing on their foreheads. Sad to say, this is not exactly replicated in my living room, although, I can report, as they days have passed, neither of us are 'suffering' nearly as much as when we started. Although it may be too early to really tell, I do feel as if I am regaining some fitness and stamina, so, if nothing else, those are positive signs.
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we can but hope...haha |
Having taken steps to improve physical health, I have turned my attention to the mental side of things, which has not been quite so easy to make any real progress. I am hoping there is some truth in the old adage 'healthy mind, healthy body' because it would be good to feel more like myself, I am all too aware, I am far from being the only person who has struggled during this last year, perhaps its a case of simple 'lockdown fatigue' but I do now long for the days when plans can be made again which involve more than a quick trip to buy food before racing back home. Weirdly, I miss seeing people's faces too, as obviously we are constantly masked, it will be nice to see a shared smile. In an effort to try and keep occupied, I finished a new novel a few weeks ago - I can't say any more for now, but fingers crossed, I will have some positive news, so although the beacons of hope are tiny, I remind myself, they are definitely there.
Sadly, I have not always been so positive, there have been many dark times throughout the year. But recently, after several very low weeks, I decided I needed to employ more discipline within my life, to try and remove the 'I really don't feel like it' moments from every day life. As an example, I have scheduled fixed times to do the exercise class in every day, now I can assure you, when the clock gets ever nearer to the starting point, I can think of all manner of reasons why I won't do the class! But, with this new stricter regime, I try not to listen to any excuses and simply make myself hit the start button. Now, to be completely honest, there have been numerous days, when I have really not liked myself at all when the music starts, but I am generally pleased I have done the class by the end.
You see, when this whole COVID experience has become less of an intrusion, life will open up again and if I am really going to enjoy the freedom, I know I have to start taking action now. I want to step back into the world as 'me' again, it's true, I have got pretty lost, but I must still be in there somewhere, don't you think? So hopefully, it's just a question of rediscovering the dreams I had and getting back to making them a reality. Not to mention, if I do manage to stagger through the aerobics, I could emerge from the enforced hibernation, looking and feeling better than ever which is an encouraging thought. I think like many people, since the onset of the Coronavirus, I have been constantly reminded of everything that is truly important and I am resolved to making a conscious effort not to forget what this experience has been like, when it's over. There are also a number of 'firsts' to look forward too, meeting friends, being able to travel freely - but, speaking personally, I cannot wait to be able to just make real plans again, the first time that's really possible, will be a very special day.
Anyway, in the mean time, as always, look after each other, try and find reasons to smile but above all else, don't lose hope that better days are coming, we just have to hang on a little longer...until the next time, as always..
Take care out there xx