Are We There Yet ? Well, No
Hello Everyone, I hope you're all doing really well and looking forward to the weekend, although I'm very aware people are working, so I wish you a good shift and time to relax later. I have to apologise for taking so long to get here, but it's been quite the time here with hospital appointments, minor domestic disasters - all taking place in generally 90 % humidity. Oh yes, for those who still think the only weather the UK has, is rain, well, you're not entirely right. Over the last few days, we have had blazing sunshine which, sadly, has now been replaced with heavy cloud and the afore-mentioned humidity. So, it's not been a pleasant time, but, on a personal note, the worst part has been the announcement the promised Freedom Day on June 21 isn't happening! Despite everything, it turns out we now have yet another variant 'sweeping' ( the media's favourite word) the country and so the lockdown continues.......
This latest announcement has thrown everything into chaos once more, now the date has been changed, ranging from hastily booked holidays being cancelled, to weddings having to be rearranged-yet again- to tickets for events being held in some kind of no man's land. It could be argued the arts have suffered the most, when it comes to huge scale disruption as theatres have been closed for over a year and, when so close to re-opening, have been refused permission to open to full capacity. Things have got so bad, even Andrew Lloyd Webber announced he would cheerfully risk fines and even imprisonment if the government didn't stick to Freedom Day. Unfortunately, after consulting lawyers, he realised if he did go ahead with the opening night, everyone could well receive a fine of £500 -including the audience- so with understandable frustration, he has had to concede to 50% capacity. Obviously, I should imagine his anger rapidly increased, when it was announced the tennis tournament at Wimbledon could go ahead as normal, not to mention, the current soccer tournament!
As for me, well, to be honest, the prospect of yet another month of lockdown restrictions is hard to take and I am struggling. Although it's true, many things have returned to a level of normality here, I'm realising the effects of the countless announcements are starting to have a detrimental effect on my own mental health. My daughter has long abandoned listening to the news and I think she may well have the right idea- to have to listen to grim-faced scientists relentlessly talk about how many potential fatalities there could be is proving a bit much after over a year of the same thing.
But as everything in life, it's not all bad, as always my trusted group of FB friends have been tremendously helpful and not in ways you might imagine. As I know, I've said before, through their posts, they have become a reminder that the world is still out there which obviously makes me feel infinitely less isolated. As an example, one friend has recently been on a long trip discovering parts of her own country, so there have been extraordinary pictures of breath-taking scenery amidst anecdotes from her adventures. Now, obviously she didn't post them for my personal benefit, but I cannot even begin to describe how much I enjoyed her posts, but more importantly,(for me at least), just to share - in a remote way- her experiences, gave my mind a break from thinking about illness. Meanwhile another friend is working on her fitness and regularly posts about how far she has walked each day- she has inspired me to look at my own physical wellbeing and I have started on my own regime. Obviously, owing to the effects of the medication I am still taking, I have to be mindful, but again, her example has helped me so much. Although there are so many others, this simple post would become a full-blown novel if I listed them all, but suffice to say, it's their humour, their insight and friendship which undoubtedly keeps me afloat.
Fortunately, I have managed to overcome one source of rage which did threaten to consume every waking moment and this was the fact, certain celebrities have been flitting around the globe without any problems while the vast majority of the population are repeatedly told to holiday at home. Now, in normal circumstances, this probably wouldn't have bothered me at all, but I have to confess, there have been times when I have been left seething as the rich and famous are pictured landing in various countries and having just the best of times. Now, I can finally be more rational, I do know it's the unfairness which really got to me- the fact the restrictions only seem to apply to anyone who doesn't have even the most tenuous public profile. When one pop singer was allowed to travel to Australia to be a judge on a talent show, the excuse given, was she is an 'essential worker' and so this was the reason she was allowed into a country which regularly insists the borders are closed to international visitors - AAAARRGGH!
Anyway, the title of this post asks, 'are we nearly there yet?', it would seem the answer is 'no', but I am trying hard to find some tiny degree of hope, the day will come when the restrictions are lifted and life can start properly again. Before I go, I'd like to thank everyone for your support, I am truly blessed and I take none of your kindness for granted, so I'm sending you all my love and, as always...
Take care out there xx
P.S. I almost forgot, someone asked if I have added new pages to the blog, yes I have now, (there were a few teething issues) but the links are on the top right of the page - one details my books and the other is about my little film channel 'Absolutely Travulous' , so feel free to hop on over.