Something to Smile About
Good morning Everyone! I hope you’re all doing really well and, wherever you are, the sun is smiling on you. I have to say, as I’m writing this to you, I’m more than a little weary but, for good reason. At the moment, there is a major European Football (Soccer) tournament happening and, for the first time, in many years, the England team are doing really well. After decades of disappointment, last night, the team won their semi-final and are now heading to the final and possible glory. Now, as some of you may know, I could hardly describe myself as one of the biggest fans of the game, so you might be wondering why this would matter to me. Well, it’s easy to explain! Last night, after the game was won, all I could hear from my bedroom window was people singing and cheering, their joy was infectious and I couldn’t help but smile.
When glancing through the newspapers online earlier this morning, there were countless pictures of huge groups of fans watching the game at hundreds of bars across the country. In each picture, there was no distinction between race, gender, ethnicity, age etc - just endless beaming faces, all united in the excitement of watching their team claim victory. Now, I have no doubt, some reading this will think there is nothing unusual about fans reacting to success, but I’d ask you to remember what our lives have been like here for the past 472 days( and still counting). Our news has been dominated by the Coronavirus, either endless predictions of certain death, new variants which will ‘sweep the country’ and all the financial distress which is being left in its wake. I know my own mental health has suffered with the constant stream of gloomy predictions and countless charts illustrating just how allegedly desperate our situation becomes with each passing day. But, for these past couple of weeks, suddenly the headlines are filled with pictures of various England team members, pledging to overcome all the other teams and bring back the trophy. Even the most hardened critic has to feel a slight twinge of relief to see so much positivity in the midst of so much understandable anxiety and despair.
As I said, I am certainly no football expert, so whether or not the team has a realistic chance of winning the whole tournament is not for me to say, but those who have the knowledge are fairly convinced England can achieve the dream. If the force of public support has anything to do with the result, I’d say a win is almost guaranteed! But aside from the quality of the team, much has been made of the influence of the manager, Gareth Southgate, who has inspired and led the players to this level of success. He’s obviously instilled the belief, despite the history books dismissing England as a ‘bunch of no-hopers’, that this team can win against all the odds. I do wonder if his sincere commitment has somehow gone much further than the football training ground and has actually ignited something in the wider population. As if, through coming together to watch every game, we are being reminded of how important it is to hold on to the belief anything can be beaten, even when it seems all is lost.
Now, I know what you might be thinking, what’s going to happen if the team loses in the final? Are we suddenly all going to be plunged back into the gloom? I really don’t think so. As I’ve already mentioned, it’s been years since England have reached this stage in any tournament and so anything that happens now will only be the proverbial cherry on the cake. Fans will no doubt be disappointed if the team doesn’t win but there is so much pride in their achievements so far, I honestly think it will be the joyous memories of this tournament which will last longer. Also having reached the final this time, there will be tremendous hope for the future too!
Speaking personally, I believe all countries affected by COVID, need to have hope, need to believe they can ultimately prove the doom-mongers wrong and go on to even better and brighter times. As far as England is concerned, it seems our new Freedom Day is on July 19 and fingers crossed, this actually happens after so many delays and we can all start to look forward again. I have been very open about my own struggles throughout the pandemic, there have been so many times when I have felt it would never end, or, if it did, it would be with me getting sick. I’ve obviously been worried about all those who mean so much to me, would they get through it all? This anxiety has been a constant for all these months as well as the crippling effects of the enforced isolation. But, last night, when I heard the fans singing and chanting on their way home, suddenly I was reminded true joy is still very much a possibility.
Anyway, that’s probably more than enough from me for now, so I’ll end this with the sincere wish, you will all find reasons to smile today and, as for the England team? I wish them nothing but the best in the final, their efforts have raised the spirits of a beleaguered country which is perhaps worth more than any trophy....until the next always,
Take care out there xxxxx