A Christmas Wish for Peace

 Hello Everyone, well, as the festive season is almost here, I thought it would be a good time to make a Christmas wish for us all - whether or not we celebrate the tradition or will just enjoy the general feeling of goodwill. I know some of you don't mark the Christian celebration, but whatever your faith or beliefs might be, I think this is an ideal time for a degree of reflection. 2021 has been a difficult year for most of us, aside from the effects of lockdowns and COVID restrictions, there have been unemployment and financial problems which have also made a hard time infinitely worse. However, although it's perhaps all too easy to focus on the low points, there have been some good times too which I think always gives hope that more are to come. When New Year swings around, many of us start deciding on our resolutions on how to make our lives better. I know, in my own case, too many of these involve 'fixing' myself in some way, so it's either a diet, more exercise, healthier lifestyle, etc which will apparently make me feel somehow better. Undoubtedly embracing all of those things will be beneficial for my physical health but the underlying message that I need fixing at all is not the best mentally. It's this realisation that has made me consider my Christmas wish for us all and I believe, finding peace of mind is the very best option.

This perfectly sums up my wish for you all

So many of us deal with diagnosed mental health issues on a daily basis but there is no question, the number of us has swelled since the onset of COVID. Wherever we might live, the number of those dealing with a wide range of mental health problems has escalated which, sadly, in turn, has meant an increase in those who have taken their own lives. I have read many stories of people who when faced with months of crippling isolation, reached the point where they simply couldn't face life anymore. The fact that so much emphasis has been placed on dealing with COVID, accessing any kind of mental health support has been even harder than ever. Even when everyone is vaccinated, there are still a wealth of issues to be tackled, unemployment, increased numbers of those facing homelessness, child poverty etc all while every day a new variant seems to appear which only sets us all back again. It can feel as if we are trying to walk up a mountain on a path smothered with treacle! For every two steps forward, there's a sliding step back. No wonder so many are struggling to keep going, it can feel hopeless. I completely respect those who say things like 'everything happens for a reason' or 'it's best to go with the flow' but that's easier said than done when you're faced with so many problems at once.

Speaking personally, I have felt overwhelmed when even the simplest thing seems to push me over an unseen edge. When we had crippling food shortages here, I found myself near to tears as I wandered around the local supermarket, just trying to find something which could be turned into some kind of meal. Those endless phone calls to various utility companies that left me on hold for 20-30 minutes only to be told, when I did get to speak to someone, because of COVID, they couldn't offer their normal service. I'm sad to admit, more than once, I found myself on the brink of hurling my phone at the wall in pure frustration. Of course, in my saner moments, I know throwing a phone solves nothing and undoubtedly all companies were short-staffed but at the time, it did feel as if I was being pushed closer and closer to near madness. My most recent feelings of despair have been triggered by the recent hints we are heading back into lockdown again which is a prospect that seems almost too much to bear. But, I assure you, as I'm writing this to you, I'm trying to remain hopeful, that all the talk is nothing more than speculation and a more positive outlook will actually happen.

You know, I have lost count of how many times I have heard someone tell me, how much better they would feel if they could have just one day when life didn't seem so tough if they could just have a break from all the worry, as they would be sure they'd be better equipped to get on with things again. When you really think about it, that's not much to ask, to have a moment of peace that would allow them to breathe easily. So, this is why that is my Christmas wish for us all, that we all get those moments. Our physical body needs to rest so it follows, our mental health does too otherwise we risk getting burnt out and unable to deal with anything.

I know the world is facing huge challenges, climate change, war, civil unrest, human rights issues to name only a few and there might be some people who feel ending one or all of those would be a better wish. They may well be right, all I can say in response is it feels as if peace of mind might play an integral part in tackling those bigger problems. After all, we all see things far more clearly when we are calm than we ever do when under stress.

So, I'm going to stick with my wish for you all, that you all have times when the stresses and strains of life take a backseat and you can allow your mind to relax. Traditionally, peace on earth is a phrase used at this time of year, and after the months we've endured, it has taken on even greater meaning for those of us who have survived 2021.

As this will be my last post before Christmas, aside from my wish, I hope you all have a very happy time shared with those who mean the most to you. For those who cannot be together, I hope you find ways to reach across the distance between you. This has been an intense year, so I'd like to end with thanking all of you who have helped me get through it all, your messages of support, the times you've shared your thoughts have reminded me I am not alone. I appreciate you all so much, despite it all, I know I am beyond lucky to be part of such a rare community...so until next time...as always..stay safe and..

Take care out there xxxxx

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