New Beginnings

 Hello Everyone, I hope you're all doing really well and, for those who celebrate, maybe you're looking forward to the Easter weekend. Traditionally, a time when we all start thinking about making a new start or perhaps beginning a new project. As regular readers will know, these last few months have not been the easiest, here at chez Turner and so any thoughts of maybe a positive change are extremely welcome. I'm often reminded that change only comes when you do something, as standing still means, by definition, nothing happens but that's not always easy, is it?

We have all experienced times when it feels as if we are somehow 'stuck' either physically perhaps through illness or emotionally, when it seems we cannot move forward, however much we might want to leave those negative feelings behind. We become trapped in our own minds which sometimes can result in it feeling virtually impossible to move, it's an awful sensation and far more debilitating than can be accurately described. I'm also very aware of how it can appear as if somehow life is leaving you behind, you see everyone else apparently having great holidays, new relationships, wonderful experiences etc and it seems your world is little more than a blank page. There are those amongst you, who might well recognise what I'm describing as depression, but I believe, there are many more people who have never been diagnosed with any mental health issue who will find these words very relatable. 

Within my own life, there have been many periods where it has felt as if things would never change, that like the proverbial hamster on a wheel, my life would only consist of simply trying to keep moving without ever really getting anywhere. I'm not going to lie, I have been sorely tempted -on many occasions- to just give up but even at my very lowest, somehow there's been a reason to keep going, even if it hasn't always been an obviously great one. I can only hope, if you're feeling that way, as you read this post, you'll try and find a reason, or if it seems impossible, then please seek help.

But with all that said, I do think that this is a good time to start looking at our lives, maybe make some enquiries about joining a class, learning a new skill or maybe doing something you've talked about but have never done. I think this is especially helpful for those who are raising a family, as very often, your own dreams and aspirations can get swamped by all the responsibilities and risk getting forgotten. I appreciate time is often against you, but there's something very beneficial about doing something -even for an hour- that is only for yourself. As you might have guessed, I started writing because I wanted a part of my day that was just mine, the original intention was just to publish one book but yet here we are, seven years later and I'm working on my tenth!

At this point, I think it's important to say, while I appreciate that spending money on anything that isn't 'essential' might sound reckless, I would argue that doing something which will aid your mental health should be a priority.  As an example, I've had many people reach out and ask about how to start writing, invariably they'll tell me about a story idea they've had or their desire to write a memoir of either themselves or a family member. My advice is always the same, just write it - whether you only have time to write a couple of hundred words a day or thousands - just write, there are no deadlines to be met. Thankfully, of those who asked, many have now created books of their own, using free software, publishing though the many sites that cost nothing and making their own covers. My point being, despite not having disposable income, they have created something unique and have boosted their own self esteem by adding a whole new dimension to their lives.

So, with all this said, I hope, this Easter will mark the beginning for all of you, in whichever way will enhance your life. Whether it is something as simple as beginning a hew hobby or as difficult, as changing your perspective on life itself. Obviously, I wish you nothing but the very best with whichever path you might follow and will be very keen to hear all about it. As you all know, I have an author page on Facebook and that seems to be the easiest way to keep our communication lines open.

Well, that's probably more than enough from me, so as always, please look after yourselves, stay safe and as always....

Take good care out there xxx

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