From One to Another...

 Hello Everyone, I hope you're all well even though the world seems to be going into a very dark time. I think we have all been both shocked and horrified by the unfolding events in the Middle East and Israel. I appreciate everyone has wildly differing views as to who is 'right' and I have no intention of wading into the arguments. However, I will say, any loss of life is a tragedy, even more so when children are caught in the crossfire. Whether or not those directly involved can ever settle their differences, I would hope some mercy and compassion will be shown - on all sides- for the innocent victims. I think we all probably complain about what we see is our own government's failings but hopefully, the international community can somehow help the different sides forge resolutions. I feel on top of the war in Ukraine, it does feel as if all leaders need to just stop and take a long hard look about what they're doing before even more lives are lost.

I have to admit, having said all of that, it does feel incredibly shallow to start talking about a new book but, in my tiny corner of the planet, writing does keep me relatively sane. As I mentioned in a previous post, 'After the Rain' was really like giving myself some therapy, through the main characters, I talked about how I was feeling and also what I needed to hear. The central theme of the book is about not losing hope, how to keep looking for light when it seems you're surrounded by darkness. Oddly enough, it does seem relevant to how many of us are feeling at the moment. Aside from all the wars overseas, the struggles at home are ongoing and there's no question, the mental health of so many people has significantly worsened in recent years. Undoubtedly the whole COVID lockdown nightmare did nothing to help anyone, but it does seem to have had a devastating knock-on effect which we are still feeling today. 

The strange thing is, I had no intention of writing another book after 'All This Time', the decision had been made and I had started to wonder what to do next. This became increasingly difficult when the depression took hold and it increasingly felt as if everything was pointless. Being aware of how hard it is for those around me to watch, I started to write again - really just for myself and now, some time later, a new book has emerged. I have to admit, had it not been for the kind encouragement and constant support, this book would not exist but now it does, I hope it finds a way to connect with people.

I know there are some who think anyone involved in the creative arts is not really doing anything particularly worthy or useful. I completely disagree, without books, movies, theatre, concerts etc the world would be an even darker place. I recently watched a documentary about comedians and many of those interviewed admitted thinking making people laugh wasn't a 'proper' job. Oh, how wrong they are! It's such a rare gift to be able to make an audience forget their troubles for an evening and just be entertained. No, it doesn't solve the economic crisis or put an end to any wars, but without those lighter moments, we would all be truly lost. How many of us can start a day feeling low and then a friend shares some anecdote that leaves us helplessly giggling? I think we have all experienced those moments. Not to mention the pure joy of listening to a favourite song or watching a much-loved film, they're simple pleasures but so vital to overall wellbeing. I have always believed the arts are a wonderful way of bringing people together and let's be honest, that's what we need now- to be reminded of our similarities rather than our differences.

Anyway, that's enough from me for now, other than to say a huge thank you to everyone who reached out to check on me, your kindness is never taken for granted. Please try and stay safe, keep all those who are facing such an uncertain future in your thoughts.... until the next time...

Take very good care out there xxx

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