A Few Festive Thoughts...

 Hello Everyone, I hope you're all well and, for those who celebrate Christmas, that the preparations are going as smoothly as possible. I'm well aware just how stressful this time of year can be, perhaps even more so with everything that's going on in the world. Aside from the ongoing wars across the globe, so many are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis, poor mental health and several other issues. It does seem very ironic, that this is traditionally a time of peace when so few of us, are actually experiencing any in our own lives. 

Even if we do have to scale back the celebrations to fit the tightened budget, it is still possible to enjoy the holidays. I do understand the pressure on so many parents who want to give their children the latest in technology, but I find myself asking, will another device really enhance their lives so much that it's worth all the months of stress when confronted with the debt? Also, if family members are coming over, it can feel like an impossible task to provide enough food for everyone but, there is always the option of asking guests to bring perhaps cookies, a cake or two or maybe some other dish that everyone can enjoy. Personally, this would be far more welcome than any other kind of gift and a delicious option too! I think we can all get caught up in the festive whirl and start to think the whole period will be ruined if we don't have everything that the advertisements constantly tell us, are 'Christmas Essentials.' Much as I appreciate these companies need to bring attention to their products, I think it's on all of us to decide what is actually important- which may well not include a rotating turkey dish that will apparently 'grace every table' or an entire dinner service with the beaming face of Santa in the centre of every piece.

Away from the preparations, I know there are many people who truly dread this time of year for a multitude of reasons, and my heart goes out to them. They may well be trying to come to terms with a bereavement, so this time of year only serves as a reminder of who will not be sitting at their dinner table. Equally, for those who suffer with certain mental health issues, all the endless talk of 'the happiest time of the year' can prove to be both frustrating and exhausting. Also, recent study showed that loneliness is at an all-time high amongst all age groups which seems extraordinarily sad at a time when it is allegedly easier to communicate than at any time in our history. The fact that there are a large number of people who live in isolation is heartbreaking and whatever steps we can do as a society, really should be taken- and not just for Christmas but the whole year. But amid all of those people, let's not forget, there are some who, by choice, actively avoid anything vaguely festive and if that brings them satisfaction, then all I can do is wish them well.

So, what are my plans for the festive period? Well, it will be a quiet time chez Turner, some lovely gifts, a special dinner and undoubtedly considerable time slumped in front of a Christmas movie or three. As I mentioned earlier, I will be acutely aware of those who will not be a part of our celebration, those who have passed and others who cannot be here for different reasons. But even though they won't be physically present, they will definitely be in our thoughts and minds, as they are throughout the year. Like many other families, 2023 has not been an easy year for us, there have been medical emergencies, both mental and physical health issues and even a diagnosis which has taken some time to truly understand. I am hoping that the holiday season can offer us all a break from the harsh realities of life and allow for some time to relax and recharge or batteries.

As I think it's unlikely there will be another post before the 25th, let me wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas. I hope you can all find some joy within the celebrations, that you stay safe and well, but most importantly, you take very good care of yourselves as there is a new year looming on the horizon and we will all need to be ready to face the new challenges that it will undoubtedly bring.

Whether or not you celebrate, please know I'm sending my love and good wishes to you all...we've got this far, and I know there is so much more to come..

Take care out there xx

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