This is no time to be giving up
Hello Everyone, I hope you're all well and 2024 has started on a positive note for you even if the wider world seems to be hellbent on creating yet more chaos. But today, let's keep things simple and talk about how we are all doing in this new year. I know many of us probably made resolutions, how are they going? Many people are already deciding that the concept of regular exercise and dieting, is proving too difficult and are now aiming to start this new regime in 2025! Much as I respect their decision, it does seem to be slightly early to be giving up! I think we all know how hard it is to change our lives, even relatively minor alterations can prove very tough. There are those who are working their way through Dry January, turning away from alcohol with the aim to give their bodies a 'break.' I do wonder if this month makes some realise just how dependent they are on drinking- even if it's no more than that glass of wine at the end of a stressful day. Will this one month of sobriety bring about a lasting change, who knows? Only time will tell.
For me, I have had a rethink about my diet, having dealt with a number of health worries last year, it did seem like the perfect time to reevaluate some of my choices moving forward. I would be lying if I said it has been easy, but it has certainly brought into sharp focus those foods that I turn to for comfort. But I am not giving up just yet and hopefully, will start to see some results in the not-too-distant future. I have always loved being outside, so it is absolutely no hardship to walk a few more steps even though, in the face of the current freezing weather here in the UK, the hardest part is leaving the warmth of the house!
Aside from our health, I think this is an excellent time to look at the rest of life and see what more we can do, to make it more pleasurable. One friend who genuinely hates her job, has spent the first few weeks upgrading her resume and applying for new roles. As she rightly says, life is too short to spend so much of it wishing you were somewhere else. Another friend has recently started an adult education course, it might not lead to a new career but the knowledge she will spend some of her time doing something she loves, will undoubtedly make her life feel more fulfilled.
Having heard their stories, it does make you realise that if you want your life to change, it is down to you to do it. I know there is a great deal of talk about manifesting for the future you want, which apparently means, asking the Universe and then waiting. Now, as regular readers will know, I respect all belief systems, and perhaps this works...but just in case it doesn't, I feel it might be best to actively participate in bringing about a new life for yourself.
For myself, even though I am a fervent believer in having hope, I am definitely rethinking my life going into this new year. Aside from trying to be healthier, I have started tentatively branching out within the world of writing and I'll be able to tell you more soon. I do enjoy a new challenge and making this brain work a little harder is enjoyable if a little frustrating as it seems to want to go back to what I already know when it's confronted with learning a new skill. But I am going to keep trying, after all, they do say to treat your mind like a muscle, so mine is definitely getting a full work out!
Giving up 'feels' easier, doesn't it? In fact, there's rarely a problem justifying the reasons why you have decided to abandon the new diet, project, lifestyle etc After all, most of us are facing difficult times, money is tight, bills are rocketing and so having that glass of wine or bar of chocolate doesn't seem like such a bad thing. After all, we say to ourselves, life is hard enough without denying the few pleasures we have left? And you won't hear any argument from me. Sometimes it does feel as if I'm punishing myself with every single denial, but when I hear myself saying something similar, I try to hold on to the belief, that it will all be worth it. I will feel better for being healthier, that is an undeniable fact, and as the title suggests, it does feel too soon to be giving up.
I think all we can do is adopt the approach of 'one day at a time', at least, that's my plan, if I can resist temptation today, that might spur me on for tomorrow.
So let me wish you all the very best of luck with whatever changes you have started this year, I hope you see the rewards of your efforts and will be inspired to keep going. If, on the other hand, you started with the best of intentions and have mis stepped, it's not too late to begin again-that 'one day at a time' thing works for you too. Try and see it as yesterday wasn't such a good day, but it is within your power to make today a better one.
I hope you have found these few words encouraging, we are all in this together, I benefit so much from hearing your words of advice and support, that has always been what this site has been about. I know there are others who spend every waking moment promoting their work but, for me, this will always be a place where we share and remind ourselves, we are not until the next time, as always..
Take very good care out there xxx