Festive Recollections
Hello Everyone, I hope you're all well and, if this time of year is a time of celebration for you, that some joy and peace can be found. Even though the world is still as troubled as ever, I try not to lose hope that we can still have some moments of happiness. As for chez Turner, we will be celebrating in much the same way as we always do and there's considerable comfort in those family traditions- even if it's as simple as remembering, how fortunate we are to still be here to enjoy all those things that make our Christmas so special.
Despite what you might think, it's not a particularly 'flashy' affair at our house, the same decorations emerge every year, right down to a rather careworn fairy who graces the top of our Christmas tree. Many, many years ago, she was christened Mavis, (yes, I'm aware it's not a very glamorous name ha-ha) and she has looked down on all the festivities ever since. If she could talk, she could describe all those family highlights and the low ones, the various boyfriends and girlfriends that came and went, the heated debates over games of Monopoly and the intense sadness of remembering those much-loved people who have passed. Yes, Mavis has seen it all and, strange as it sounds, when I see her at the top of the tree, all of those memories come back for me- Christmas would just not be the same without her.
I know I am far from being alone in enjoying having the same celebration every year, sometimes there are new guests, but at its core, the festivities don't really change. I genuinely believe, especially at a time when the world seems to be going mad, maintaining some kind of traditions is even more important. It's as if we are reminding ourselves, that whatever happens, the things that really matter will not only survive but thrive!
But I'm acutely aware, that for many people, this time of year is exceptionally painful, the memories are too emotionally difficult to recall. I think this is particularly true when having to face the festive season without loved ones- after all, who wants to celebrate when the people you want to be there are absent? I can empathise, sadly, for a variety of reasons, there are several who I would love to see again. As an example, my late mother, who had a very defined way of how things should be done. To give you an idea, when she was alive, I would often rail against what seemed to me to be her 'ridiculous' obsession with how a napkin should be folded. Yet now, I find myself doing it exactly the same way otherwise the dinner table feels completely wrong. She was also ruthless when it came to the afore-mentioned Monopoly games, cheerily taking every last penny from us all as she inevitable won! I miss her and my father so much, not to mention the extended family, who were all very different personalities and yet the most vibrant group of people who laughed a great deal and filled the house with genuine joy.
But when the pain of their absence becomes too much, I find myself glancing up at Mavis, like me, she remembers them all and, in those moments, it's as if, like her, they are still here. The way the tree is decorated, how I cook the Christmas dinner, the music that's playing etc - if they are watching, I know they'd be smiling to see that so little has changed and how much they are remembered.
I know that this festive season can often become about how much money is spent but the truth is, that's really not important. It seems to me, the simplest things mean the most and so that's my Christmas message to you all. It's too easy to be swept along on the tide of buying vast amounts of food, stretching the family budget to fund a mountain of gifts, we all do it! But we also need to stop and just be thankful that we are still here, hopefully safe and able to look forward to another year.
All that's left is for me to wish you all a very happy and peaceful holiday season, thank you so much for all the amazing support - I just realised this is my 200th post! So, another thank you for staying with me, sharing your thoughts and never failing to remind me, we are all in this together.
Take very good care and love to you all xx