Here We Go Again!
Hello Everyone and if it's not too late, Happy New Year! Once again, we stand at the beginning of another year and who knows what this one might bring? It's both an exciting and daunting prospect, isn't it? Will this be the year those secret dreams come true? Or is there something less pleasant on the horizon? As regular readers will know, I tend to try and remain hopeful, so I'm going for the first option.
It's a strange thing, particularly when you're on social media, you do see vast numbers of people making themselves promises, that this is the year when they will write that book, start a new career or even make a permanent move to another country. I say it's strange because having been around for so long, I remember most of these same people making similar promises last year- yet only a few made any of them happen. It got me wondering what the difference is and my first thought, is maybe it's true that the only thing that holds most people back is themselves. That fear of failing seems to be a big factor, yet to me, the only true 'failure' is not trying at all. I have known so many creative people who talk themselves out of taking that step and the world is so much poorer for it, but I'm acutely aware, that not everyone has a supportive network around them to help allay those fears. I am very blessed that I have generally been encouraged -even when the idea sounds ludicrous!
Being in the writing community, I have often received criticism for openly encouraging other writers, after all, these doomsayers will insist, my positivity is just adding potential 'rivals' to the book buying market. Unsurprisingly I pay no attention to their words of 'caution', I do not see creativity as some kind of 'survival of the fittest' game, other writers, artists etc are not my 'enemies'- there is room at the table for all of us. I would also find it incredibly depressing to spend my time knocking the confidence of other people, especially, (and yes, I know this sounds selfish) as I have learned so much from other creatives. Would they be so forthcoming with their knowledge and expertise if I routinely demeaned and diminished their work? I don't think so. I genuinely love reading work by new authors, it's always exciting, the perspective they've chosen and gets me thinking about how to improve my own work. Now, obviously, I don't mean I copy other people but very often, I find I do learn a lesson. As in one example, I read a novel set between the wars, it was historically accurate, right down to the language used etc and aside from being an extraordinary read, it reminded me of the importance of very thorough research.
Another relatively new writer often posts small paragraphs of their work on social media, there is so much heart in their words, the emotions expressed are profound and genuine. Reading what they share, definitely reminds me to cut all those unnecessary sentences and just capture the pure essence of love, loss, self-doubt etc This writer has taught me, the power that can be shown in a few well-chosen words rather than my tendency to sometimes write fifty when five would be more than enough. How lucky am I to be around so much talent?
But away from the artistic community, other promises are made at this time of year- in truth, these often make me even sadder. It's those that are spoken by people who feel they need 'fixing' in some way- so, amongst other things, they talk about diets. It's as if having looked in a mirror and deciding they are somehow not 'good' enough, conclude there's a need to be drastically restricting food intake while embarking on an often-insane exercise plan. Before I go on, I'm not referring to those who are battling illness, either mental or physical, no, my unease is for those who post a so-called 'before' picture accompanied by how 'wrong' they are now but how they'll be 'right' soon. So often, I genuinely struggle to see all the faults that are obviously glaringly apparent to the person who has shared the image. Now, I'm all for trying to be healthy but some of the diets that are described, well, wellbeing is obviously not a priority. Speaking personally, I don't think anyone needs to be 'fixed'- but perhaps there is room for a promise to try and feel more positive about yourself, is a better option than attempting to do an hour of cardio fuelled by nothing more than a handful of almonds and a glass of water! Oh, and I know how difficult it can be to build self-esteem, especially when you've been in relationships that have done nothing but leave you feeling depleted, but, for me, that's where the work needs to be done- it's a long task but inevitably a worthwhile one.
Anyway, before I go, you might be wondering what promises I am going to make for this new year. Firstly, as I said earlier, I'm going to try and be healthier- sadly age is creeping up on me and so better choices do need to be made. I'm also planning on working harder to produce more artwork, as you know, I do have a Redbubble shop but maybe it's time to explore other places too. And for now, at least, I have promised myself that 2025 will bring new travel adventures too, I am a wanderer and there's just so much world I haven't seen yet! I definitely intend to keep my promises, so we will see if I'm successful in December - fingers crossed.
Well, that's more than enough for now, so again, have a very happy, healthy and memorable new year, thank you for sharing the journey so far and I'm unbelievably grateful, you're all still here and we are facing it together, so you look after yourselves, ok? Stay safe and, as always...
Take very good care out there xx