Soul Survivor

Well, my friends, it has not been an easy time for the world, has it ? Shocking terrorist attacks, innocent people losing their lives in seemingly all parts of the globe in the name of what someone has decided is 'right.' I am nowhere near informed enough to offer a valid opinion on the subject of terrorist organisations, other than I hope some kind of solution can be reached. As I talked about in my last post, the bomb in Manchester brought the whole community together and perhaps made us all remember what's really important - not having the latest technology or having a new car, how much we earn or where we go on holiday - all those things are meaningless when compared to just being alive and keeping our children safe. Oh and before I go on, I saw some of the concert arranged by Ariana Grande to raise money for the victims' families, which seemed to me, to be as much as she could do and I am happy to read many of those who were quick to criticise her, are now acknowledging her efforts. Obviously, there are still those with their own agendas, throwing insults around and questioning her sincerity, but, for me, when a mother who has lost her daughter, reveals when she spoke to the singer, she found her to be 'warm, genuine and compassionate' - well, that's all I need to form my own opinion of Ariana, so I wish her well.

Anyway, with that said, time to get to the point of this post which is a bit hard to explain, so you're going to have to be patient, ( yes this is the time to get comfortable and make sure your favourite cookies are close to hand). Have you ever wondered if there's any truth to the idea we have all had several life times ? That our bodies are merely a suit of clothes for the soul, and so when we die, we simply slip out of one outfit so we can put on another for the next life. Now, as I am sure I've mentioned before, I don't have a particular religious belief, so I really don't want to offend anyone who has, I have great respect for genuine followers of any faith, but I am wondering if the idea of reincarnation has some merit. After all, we have all had many experiences which could suggest there is a distinct possibility, ( and yes, I can imagine there's some serious eye-rolling happening right about now, perhaps accompanied with a disbelieving shake of the head as you say 'I've never had any such experience') - but I think you probably have...

I think most of us have met someone new and almost instantly felt as if we've known them for years, you find yourself so completely at ease in their company. On the other side of the coin, we've all undoubtedly had that moment where you are overwhelmed with the certainty, that the person who is smiling at you as they warmly shake your hand, cannot be trusted. The logical side of your brain attempts to reassure you, after all, how can you dislike someone you barely know ? But that well-used 'gut feeling' is screaming at you, not to even think about telling this person anything more important than perhaps the time and hold on to your watch while you do it ! So could an explanation for those strong feelings - be they positive or negative- be somehow you remember them from a previous life ? When my youngest daughter was a baby, she was notoriously wary of people, she would stare quite intently at any new person, as if she was trying to decide whether or not she was going to like them. Now, I should stress, this was before she could talk. So when people met her, they would very often beam at her, tickle her chin and say something like,
"Aren't you adorable ?'
As I held her in my arms, after only a few moments, I would feel her shrink back from this new intruder or she would smile back at them, as if somehow, she had formed an opinion of them and was now acting on it ! I believe all babies do this, but almost everyone who met her would comment on just how unnerving her particular stare was ! What is more strange is when she seemed to actively dislike someone, sooner or later, her feelings were proved correct even though, when we had met them, they had appeared to be nothing but nice people. Could it be her soul recognised them from a past life and was warning her about them ? Considering, as a baby, her mind would be completely uncluttered by the junk that fills adult heads, so perhaps hers was 'freer' to make an informed judgement. Whatever the truth might be, I found myself checking her reaction to any new person, as I had no doubt she could 'see something' I could not.

Equally, I am sure we have all visited somewhere new and felt as if we had ben there before, there's a familiarity there which cannot be explained, so we can either feel at home or as if we cannot get out of there fast enough.

As an example, I had a much-loved aunt, she was one of my mothers' sisters and they were incredibly close, which meant we visited her as often as possible. Anyway, she married and as her family grew, she moved house, but never very far from the previous home as she liked the area. After one such move, we went to visit and almost instantly, I noticed my mother tense up and look distinctly uncomfortable. Being a confident woman, it seemed very strange, to watch her shift awkwardly on a perfectly nice sofa, clearly very uneasy and, so I looked around the room for some kind of explanation, but there was nothing. After barely an hour, my mother could not take any more and made a feeble excuse so we could leave, but not before insisting her sisters' family visited us very soon. As soon as we had left, her shoulders dropped and the tension evaporated, my somewhat  bemused father asked what had been the problem,
"I just couldn't stand being in there, the atmosphere was just oppressive, I felt like I was suffocating," she replied quietly. I remember none of us spoke during the journey home, it just seemed so unbelievable, we had been at the home of someone we all loved, the house itself was just a normal house, and yet for some inexplicable reason, my mother had felt such a strong negative reaction. Could it be she had been at that place before in a previous life ? Could it be she had suffered at the hands of someone who had lived there at the time and somehow her soul was remembering ? I don't mean in that particular house, but on the land. Thankfully, my aunt moved again- perhaps gently encouraged by my mother - and we spent many happy days at her new home.

So if we have all lived before and maybe even met each other...I guess it follows, perhaps we keep bumping into people that we have some kind of unfinished business between us. I know some believe it might even be possible that, as an example, our children in this life were our parents in the past, or a lover in this incarnation was someone we previously lost. Now I am not saying this is true, I just think it is an intriguing possibility to consider, the idea that each life we experience, is filled with life lessons we need to learn and those we value most are not really 'gone' as we may well meet them again the next time around.

Unfortunately, if my baby was right, it seems we have no choice about who we meet again, although, it could be argued, maybe we need to meet those who have harmed us before, so their soul has an opportunity to make amends.

So how to bring this post to some kind of conclusion ? Well, none of us - whichever faith we have or don't have - can ever really know whether our 'soul' even exists, it comes down to personal belief, speaking personally, I just try and keep an open mind. When you reach a certain level of life experience, I think your only choice is to accept, you're just not going to be able to find allegedly 'logical' explanations for everything that happens - so you look beyond what seems likely. My own life has been far from an easy ride, like many of you, I'm sure, but I have learned so much from living it and I intend never to stop....and if I do get to have another life, I hope I remember at least some of those lessons...until next time ( in this life..haha)....

Take care out there xx

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