The Proof ( if it were needed) you never quite know what's coming next....

Well, hello everyone, I am so sorry I haven't been here recently but that ole devil called Life has kept me very busy and I don't feel I've had a moment to sit down and just take a breath. Before I launch into telling you about my recent times, I hope you are all staying safe and well. I know in the Southern Hemisphere, where the dreaded Coronavirus hadn't seemed to hit too hard, is now facing a difficult time. The recent outbreak again in New Zealand and the lockdown in Victoria, Australia- well, COVID obviously doesn't recognise borders. As for us here in the North, depending on where you are, again we are still challenged too - whether or not anywhere should re-open or stay closed is an ongoing, increasingly contentious debate. As many of you know, I rarely stray into the world of politics here, so all I shall say, is I hope when people in power do make decisions, they consider what's best for everyone and not just a few. As for myself, well, like all of you, 2020 has not followed the plan - in fact, I'm not sure it's followed anybody's ideas of what the year was to hold.

I have to be honest, during the more intense weeks of the lockdown here, there was more than a level of despair rising. I had begun the year with such high hopes and yet, as more and more possibilities closed around me, as more promises were - without fault on anyone's side- broken and there was routine cancellation of plans, I found myself struggling to find a purpose at all. Looking back, I know I spent a bit too much time bemoaning my fate, unreasonably angry and frustrated with Life which seemed beyond the bounds of unfair. I know from so many of the messages you've sent me, so many have felt the same way as me. It was heart-breaking to read of weddings being cancelled, relationships foundering because of the enforced separation and obviously, all the disruption to every day life. So many people have written about the horrible reality of losing jobs, struggling with overwhelming financial problems - but, for me, the worst part of this whole pandemic crisis, has been the toll on mental health. Even those of you who had not been previously diagnosed with any issues, have written about suffering with anxiety, depression and other problems. Unfortunately, as I have no medical training, I was not able to do much more than read your messages and try to reply as best I could. All I can hope, is you felt slightly less alone by getting in touch, I know that's helped me in the past. As I said to all of you, I don't have the answers, I wish I could wave a magic wand and sort everything out, but I still feel, if we all take one step at a time, we will get through this whole mess, so we must try to keep going.

So with my own life rapidly losing any real direction, I knew I had to find something which could give me even the smallest boost because, as most of you know, the dark shadow of depression is always lurking in the background. As often happens, it was purely by chance, I saw some information about a competition, to send in artwork for a print on demand company. Me being me, hesitated but after being encouraged by those closest, I threw my hat in the ring and sent off my entry. Although I didn't win, which came as no real surprise, my interest was piqued and I started to look into the whole world of these kind of opportunities. To cut a long story short, ( and frankly really quite dull, way too much procrastination went on), I tentatively started my own virtual shop with Redbubble. I watched countless tutorial videos on YouTube, filled with advice on how to begin, so with this ringing in my ears, I have now not just taken the plunge but are fully submerged in the whole experience.

Obviously, there have been 'teething problems', mainly owing to my complete lack of knowledge when it comes to all the DPI and image resizing issues- but with the help of my long-suffering daughter, I am almost convinced I know what I'm doing...for now, until another abbreviation comes along- eeek! There is a real satisfaction in seeing your own designs gracing art blocks, t-shirts, stationery, home decor etc and obviously, it's never going to be finished - there is the push to add more every day which, I have to admit, is definitely helping me cling on to sanity.

Now, if you'd told me at the beginning of the year, I would be at the helm of such a project, I would have argued, there as absolutely no way. But yet here we are in August, and the shop exists, I'm heading off on a tangent which  could not have been predicted. I think it's very unlikely I shall make a fortune, but it feels better to be swimming rather than drowning - that's the best way of putting it.

I wish I could say something like, 'If only I had done this years ago,' but that would be a lie. The 'years ago' me, was a very different person possibly best summed up by the phrase, 'no sooner the thought than the deed.' I never procrastinated, I had that blessing of the young, where I believed life was a whole world of possibilities just waiting for me to sample them all. So it's not only true to say, that 'past me' would never have sat still long enough to start such a project, but she simply would not have had the time. So, for this venture to start now, is in fact the right time for me in my life - thanks to the pandemic, I have the time and, sadly, thanks to the passing years, I have much more patience.

So how to sum up ? Well, I know I am not the only person who has started in a new direction, many friends have rekindled their love of the outdoors and started hiking, others have worked hard on DIY projects at home, while even more have begun periods of online study. Despite the havoc this virus has brought to our lives, it could be we all emerge, with newly-found talents, rediscovered past love of long forgotten hobbies and maybe even changed the paths of our whole lives. As the title of this post said, none of us could have known what this year was to bring, but if we could end it on a high note - however unlikely that might seem- I'd consider that a victory.

Please stay safe and well, keep in touch as you have been, I'd love to hear about your own projects and before you ask, 'of course, I will think anything you try is worthwhile and you have my 100% until next time....

Take care out there xxx

P.S. I probably should have mentioned the name of the shop, it's called 'Artful Hideaway', I won't add a link here because that seems a bit much, but please feel free to go and have a browse xx

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