Being Thankful

 Hello Everyone, I hope you're all staying safe and well, with Spring coming to the Southern Hemisphere while we are preparing for the cold up here in the North. Today's post is obviously inspired by the Thanksgiving weekend being celebrated in the USA. Now, as you all know, I am not an American, but I do like the idea of taking some time to be grateful for those things that makes our lives bearable.

For me, like all of you, I must begin with my family and friends who are a constant support and make me feel appreciated every single day. My life would be so much less without them, and I hope they know how much they mean to me. Secondly, it is the wider circle of people who have crossed my path and have brought their own unique talents and wisdom. As an author, we do spend a lot of time on our own so it's especially lovely to find others who are following the same path and so we can share our experiences. As I have been writing professionally for some seven years now, there is a misconception that I somehow 'know it all' - this is so wrong! Yes, I have learned a great deal over time, but I am always gaining new perspectives and knowledge. I think whichever field you might be in, to believe there is nothing more to learn, is a rather dangerous strategy. The chance of missing out on some new information or technique is a risk I am definitely unwilling to take!

I would also like to thank all of those who have passed during my lifetime, again like many of you, I have lost many very special people but hopefully, although they are no longer around, I carry them with me every single day. Luckily, I have the memory of an elephant and so even the most apparently inconsequential moments lodge in my mind and I am forever grateful that I can call on those shared memories.

Although there are others, I think now would be the ideal time to thank all those who have read my work over the years. The knowledge that my novels are out in the world and hopefully being enjoyed, is a rare gift and I never take it for granted. Even those readers who have got in touch with me to say they disagreed with one plot point or didn't like a particular character, for me, the fact they took the time to read at all, is always a blessing.

Having thought so much about gratitude, it did make me realise that we are all at risk of taking things and, more importantly, people for granted. Our days start with an expectation that our families will be there, our co-workers etc will be ready to share a joke or two throughout the working day and we will get home in the evening, to enjoy dinner or watch a favourite tv show. But none of those things are guaranteed, however, 'ordinary' they might seem, there's always that chance, something happens which will disrupt the routine- sometimes temporarily but also possibly permanently. This is why I think it is so important to be thankful, to tell those around us how much they mean and to show through our actions, how much we appreciate those who fill our lives.

Finally, I am acutely aware that there are people within the US, for whom, Thanksgiving Day is nothing to celebrate owing to the history between the indigenous peoples and those who settled in what was once known as the New World. I cannot pretend to be an expert in this particular field, also as a non-American, I think it would be wildly inappropriate for me to wade into the history of the United States and offer my opinion. So, all I can say, is I hope ALL those who live within the borders of the country can find reasons to be thankful throughout the year. Diversity within a nation should always be celebrated as it brings together a range of cultures and histories that only serve to enhance any country, we have so much to learn from each other and I hope this will always be the case. All it takes is for people to put aside what appear to be our 'differences' because only then can we understand, there is far more that binds than separates us all. How lucky we are to live in a world here so much exists that can challenge and excite us in equal measure - right there is a reason to be grateful.

Anyway, these are just my musings on the subject of gratitude, I hope you feel, despite everything that's going on in the world, there are still reasons to be thankful. Please look after yourselves, enjoy the holiday weekend if you are one of those celebrating...until the next always...

Take care out there xx


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