Outside the walls.....
Well, as I am
writing to you today, I have a peaceful mind, which for me, is a rare
thing, as usually it resembles those soon-to-be-resurrected Christmas
tree lights, in other words, when everything does have an order and
looks amazing when its sorted, but temporarily is just a tangled
clump of wires, going nowhere until, in the end, I’d be filled with
the temptation to throw the whole lot away and buy a new set. I
cannot tell you how often I used to think how much easier life would
be if that was actually possible. But now, even though not every wire
is straightened and I am still not sure where most of them connect,
there’s a newly-found calm..let me tell you more..
As I write this, the
temperature outside is hitting the 30’s, which is only worth
mentioning, as I am English and this is November. Normally, at this
time of year, I would be wearing several layers of clothes before
heading out, only to find myself amidst all the pre-Christmas retail
madness while listening to a seemingly-endless festive soundtrack led
by the omnipresent Mariah Carey cheerily warbling ‘All I Want for
Christmas’. But instead, here I am, with the Australian sun
streaming through the window and its beautiful. As to how I have
ended up here, well, for now, it’s enough to say, this is where I
needed to be and so, instead of doing what might have been considered
‘sensible’- I followed my heart, (which I know is an unbelievably
cliched statement but it happens to be true).
Until three years
ago, in the U.K., I had, to some degree, a ‘happy’ life, I was
fortunate to not be struggling with money too often and my world
seemed settled. Every week was almost identical to the last, and, for
a while, I found a kind of security in knowing what was to come.
Looking back now, I can see, I knew there was something missing, but
the small voice at the back of mind which reminded me of this, was
easily drowned out by the ‘white noise’ of my routine existence.
As an aside, I do wonder if most people have that voice, which
reminds them, there could be ‘more’, but they choose to ignore
it, as if, on some sub-conscious level, they decide to stick with
what they know, as the ‘more’ seems too risky to pursue, until,
finally, the voice falls permanently silent. I think I might have
been one of those people too, but Life had other plans for me.
I had been a single
parent for some years, despite a few pleasurable, but meaningless
moments, I had pretty much decided, the chance of being in a
relationship, was so unlikely, my romantic hopes, (such as they
were) almost entirely revolved around meeting the gorgeous Johnny
Depp! So, as you can guess, I felt there was absolutely no real hope.
But then, completely unexpectedly, I met someone very special and my
‘safe’ world was turned on its head. As many other relationships,
ours has been filled with the highs and lows, anyone might expect,
but the biggest obstacle was the fact, for most of the time, there
was a hefty 10,000 miles between us. So, as often as I could, I
started to travel to Australia, ignoring those worried friends who
frequently mentioned every conceivable travel risk, ranging from
potential terrorist attacks to outbreaks of deadly diseases, in the
hope I would see sense and resume my ‘normal’ life. Even though
it wasn’t always easy, I soon realised, a shift was happening, the
U.K. felt less and less like home and the need to be back in
Australia became an all-consuming passion.
So, taking a huge
time leap forward, I am now here again, and you might be wondering,
do I regret discarding the safe and routine life I once had ? The
answer is simple, it’s no. Despite the undeniable truth, the future
here is fraught with potential pitfalls, the basic practicalities of
life are not so easy to accomplish – these facts pale into
insignificance, when compared to what’s been gained. For example,
today I awoke in my partners’ arms, we talked, laughed and loved
before starting our peaceful Sunday and to have one day like this
one, is worth a thousand of repetitive certainty.
Before I leave you,
I want to make one last point, I know for many people, they long for
the kind of security I have described here and I have complete
respect for their needs, as I’ve already said, there was a time I
wanted that more than anything – after all it’s safe there behind
those walls. But for me, once I had experienced what was on the
‘outside’, there was just simply no way I could stay any
longer...anyway, wherever you are...until the next time…
Take care out there