Is true equality even possible ?

Welcome back, I hope your week is going well and thank you for taking time out to join me what has got me thinking? Well, unusually for me, I am going to dip a toe into the increasingly-unjust world of legislation, focusing on the issue of same sex relationships. Now before you reach for the ‘delete’ button or perhaps flip to a new webpage, possibly that one you noticed in passing but decided you weren’t really interested, it was a ‘factual’ (!?) account of some scandalous hijinks of certain celebrities as told by someone, who knew some else, who had driven past the place concerned when there was clearly a light on...let me assure you, I won’t be getting very ‘political’ at all, it’s just recent events have left me wondering what kind of world we are living in….let me explain…

As a UK citizen, I am very fortunate to have been in a country, where as long as you’re consenting adults, you can love whoever you choose...same sex marriage is no longer an issue for the vast majority of my fellow citizens. In fact, even though there still are a few diehard homophobes within our midst, the whole LGBT movement is just considered a part of our community, so the same rights and laws apply to everyone. Perhaps I took this for granted, as it seemed completely fair, however you defined yourself – be it gay, straight, transgender or even one of the emerging ‘furry’ group – we are all equal and therefore have to uphold the same laws, and be protected by them too.

Sadly, it seems these ideas of equality and acceptance do not stretch around the world which considering we are now in the 21st century, is almost impossible to comprehend. Now, before I go on, I do appreciate and respect, there are some cultures and religions who struggle with how the world is changing with regard to sexual and gender preferences, for them, I can fully understand how confronting such changes must seem- speaking personally, I hope, in time, some kind of resolution can be found. But my unease is not directed at those nations, no, my unease is completely focused on those who talk about equality and yet their actions speak louder.

Let me give you an example...the USA, a beautiful, diverse nation, filled with amazing cities and breath-taking landscapes, with songs celebrating being the ‘Land of the Free’. But, in certain states, this freedom does not include a gay couple being treated the same as a heterosexual one. It’s true, legislation was passed to make it ‘illegal’ to discriminate, but almost before the ink was dry, various states were poring over their legal books, hoping to find loopholes, which they now exploit as much as is deemed necessary. It may seem hard to believe, but there are still states where it is legal to marry your horse, but against the law to marry the same gender.(I should stress, I have absolutely no problem with horses finding true love, it just seems a little bit healthier for them to find that with another horse!).

But the US is not alone, there are still many countries which, for any number of reasons, cannot allow true equality for their citizens. Surprisingly, one of the most reticent to recognise the validity of same sex marriage, is Australia, which when you consider its close ties with, amongst others, the UK and New Zealand, both of whom have such legislation, does seem unbelievable. The current government is following its predecessors, promising all manner of legal/political processes to ‘look into’ the whole issue – while doing precisely nothing. You have to wonder, why? As a regular visitor, I have had no personal experience of witnessing any lasting anti-gay feeling amongst the everyday people in Australia. I guess, much like the UK, they don’t really care who you might be involved with, as long as you’re both adults and nobody gets hurt. But it does seem, those in power do not share this view...and that very attitude causes pain to people, who have committed no crime, other than wanting to be treated the same as everyone else.

But this apparent prejudice reaches further than even the borders of Australia, and it’s this which has truly shocked me. It seems, if you are from overseas and wish to legally marry an Australian, you can go to your home country’s consulate, and the ceremony can be performed – (always assuming your country recognises same sex marriage). So, you might think, the couple is legally married, so surely this has to be accepted by the Australian authorities? Sadly, the answer is a resounding ‘NO’...your marriage certificate means nothing more than a piece of scrap paper, their sole argument being, ‘We still don’t like it, so it doesn’t exist.’ This closed view means, the Australian government can put its own prejudices above the laws of many respected nations around the world. But again, why? Why do they feel so threatened by a few people who want to love someone of their own gender, who want to build a life with them – hardly a revolutionary idea, is it? But the government really doesn’t want that happening, so even if you decide -despite all the obstacles- you want to set up a home with your partner- they have yet one more trick up their sleeve to stop you.

In order to live and work in Australia, you need a visa, which is completely acceptable, in fact, most countries have much the same laws, but what they don’t have, is the frankly exorbitant fee for the so-called ‘partnership visa’ – which can cost an eye-watering $10,00 Australian dollars! As for the application form, well, I am fairly certain the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy wasn’t as long or as complicated. Actually, that’s an accurate analogy, because much like Bilbo Baggins, you too have to go on a quest to find everything you need to save your world- just as an aside, the hobbits had it easy compared to trying to assemble enough paperwork to satisfy the government requirements. 

The true sadness, is even if you manage -somehow- to not only complete the form, and sell everything you own to pay the fee – they can STILL turn down your application and without returning your money either! Obviously this results in you not only being forced to leave your legally married spouse, but you’re penniless too!

But once more, ( and I do promise this is the last time I will ask) WHY? What frightens those in charge so much about a loving couple? Do they somehow have the belief, if they are seen to accept those who aren’t ‘normal’, Australia will be seen as ‘weak’ or ‘perverted’ by the rest of the world? Because if that’s it, they could not be more wrong. In fact, if they finally did change their viewpoint, they would simply be joining the many other nations who don’t just talk about equality, they legislate to ensure it for ALL their citizens. Australia is an extraordinary country, filled to the brim with wonderfully, welcoming people, I can only hope their innate sense of decency and fair play will win in the end.

Just one last point, so often, nations point their collective wagging finger at those countries who do not uphold ,what are perceived to be, basic human rights – surely equality is one of those, yet its those very finger-pointers who occasionally need to look at themselves.

I am sorry if this post has sounded like a political speech, I didn’t set out to write one – but, like many of you, I’m sure, I feel sometimes you do have to put your head over the parapet and speak out when you feel something just isn’t right – even if you can guarantee you will be criticised by someone for speaking at all….until the next time…

Take care out there xx

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