Dream a little dream of.....

Well, here we go again and, before I launch into today's post, I have to apologise for my absence, so I am truly sorry I haven't been able to get here..secondly, a dream for many came true today, when the Australian people voted a resounding 'YES' to legalising same sex marriage. Sadly, this postal vote isn't binding and the politicians are now left trying to work out how to make this law without upsetting anyone - which isn't going to be easy ! Throughout the campaign, it has become abundantly clear, there are those in power who like nothing more than attempting to make anyone, who isn't like them, feel like a second class citizen. There is even one truly obnoxious senator, ( I won't name him as I have no desire to promote the little weasel), who now wants to make it acceptable for anyone to discriminate against those of the LQBTQI community - including banning same sex couples from all manner of things to the point of segregation. Thankfully, as the Australian people have voted in favour of equal rights for all, I am hopeful his words of dividing the community will fall on deaf ears. But with all of that said, this post isn't about the Australian political system it's actually about dreams...( you may be left wondering how I managed to link these two topics, well check back and you'll see I mentioned the 'd' word at the beginning of the post, sneaky huh ?).

Now, it seems we all dream, though speaking as an insomniac, I can only assume mine are particularly short as I am not able to stay asleep for a long period of time - so more of a cartoon short than a feature movie. So if we agree we all dream, I suppose it's hardly surprising there are those who attempt to convince us, they can interpret those dreams which will subsequently (allegedly) shine a light on our subconscious mind and reveal our innermost secrets and desires. As I was thinking about this post, my daughter happened to mention a particular dream she had last night, which largely revolved around me spending money on her and eating cake. Now, I don't feel I will need to employ the services of the local interpreter for this one, as it's fairly obvious my daughter is carrying a list of longed-for items in her head which she's hoping I will buy for her...and she loves cake ! ( For the sake of accuracy, I should stress, not all types of cake !)

"Where's the cake ?" zzzzzzzz
But the interpreters don't seem to deal with the obvious..oh no..they specialise (!) in the far more obscure. As an example, if you dream of falling off a building, this is all about sex...it turns out, if you dream about flying, that's also sexually related - which when you think about it does seem a little confused. After all, if you're falling off something, if you can fly..well, toppling from the window ledge becomes a much less dangerous activity. Now, as a relatively-experienced woman, I can say I haven't had a single sexual encounter that's left me wanting to jump off a high building - although there have been several I have wanted to run away from or in truth, should have run away from before I'd even taken off my coat. Some interpreters seem very big on 'symbols' within your dream, so should your cat, Mt Snuffles appear, it means there's a degree of secrecy surrounding you or you have untapped mystical powers. Personally, I would suggest, all it means is, you love Mr Snuffles and who wouldn't ? He's just adorable !

It may appear as if I am mocking those interpreters, which I am, but there is a more serious point to be made...these people charge money for their alleged services and way too often, they seem to target those who are most vulnerable. We all have times in our lives when everything seems confused and we can't seem to find a way out, so it is tempting to seek help and advice from someone who professes to have some kind of 'inside' knowledge. Someone who will tell us everything is going to be completely fine because we have a recurring dream where a talking dolphin tells us, we were once citizens of the lost city of Atlantis which, in dream interpretation, means success is on the way if we trust our intuition.

Sadly, what can happen, is these interpreters will tell their clients, a number of sessions is required so they can gain an 'accurate picture of your psyche', whereas the truth is, they need to top up their bank balance to pay for that new BMW. So people go back, time after time, carefully recounting their dreams in the hope the answers they need will be revealed - the only truth, ( it seems to me), is those answers do lie in their own mind and instead of spending money they can't afford, they just need to stop and think about their situation and the solution will be there. Obviously, I would never suggest this is possible for everyone, but I do strongly assert, if help is needed, seeking out professional counselling is always the best option.

But what of all those books on dream interpretation ? Well, I freely admit I have found them extremely diverting...and very often, a great source of humour (but that might be just for me). Chapter after chapter suggesting if your dreams are predominantly red, it means sex...equally, if they are pink, blue, purple, black...there's quite a list ! To be fair, the colours do represent different aspects of sex, ranging from you're thinking about it too much to do you ever think about it at all ?! Naturally, certain colours also represent different kinds of sexual experience, although it seems not all interpreters agree on this point. During my research, one explained purple dreams suggest a deep-seated need to explore the world of BDSM whereas another interpretation is you have desires to mate with royalty! Now it's not for me to speculate on whether members of any royal family are into the whole 'Fifty Shades' experience - but even if they do, whether most of us will have the opportunity to find out, seems a little remote. Aside from sex, it seems the interpreters don't agree on what various animals mean should they pop up in a dream - for some cats suggest mystery whereas others will tell you, it means you need time alone. Speaking as a member of a busy family, if that's true, I should be dreaming of cats every night of the week because time alone is a very rare commodity.

Now before I am accused of being a 'hater', I should stress, I am sure there are those who genuinely feel they can interpret dreams and so only want to use this talent to help others - but these would seem to be in the minority but they can be discovered as again, through my research, they seem to have a relatively 'normal' name whereas the more vocal majority seem to opt for the more unusual. I cannot tell you how many I have found with names like Violet Dreamseeker or Clarissa Nightspeaker...and no, I am not joking, they can also be identified by the selfies they include on their websites...a heady mix of alleged ancient symbols surrounding their face bearing a slightly unnerving expression which I assume they believe makes them look 'spiritual.' (Personally, having trawled my way through many of these websites, that expression suggests nothing more - at best - than a vaguely creepy smile while masking the effects of constipation or - at worst-  'I've just absorbed an illegal substance and I am now convinced of my own, all-knowing, god-like status').

Finally, it would be comforting to believe all the answers we need can be found within our dreams, but I am just not sure that can be true. As I said earlier, I feel we can find what we need within ourselves, but whether you dream of talking dolphins, Mr Snuffles or jumping off a building while having sex with George Clooney - they are just not going to help discover solutions. I  do believe when we dream, our minds can run amok as they aren't confined by the daily routine of reality...hopefully, where they go at night, brings us pleasure and maybe even some calm, so we can awake refreshed and find those longed-for answers ourselves.

It seems to me, if you really want to discover what your dreams might mean, you can save yourself a fortune, by just buying a notebook and writing them down, that way, after a couple of weeks, if there is some kind of pattern, you will find it yourself and start to make sense of what's going on when you sleep...and as someone far wiser than me once said, the most obvious explanation will be the truth, so just trust yourself....anyway, as I may have sent you to sleep already with my ramblings..I will leave you in peace to dream...until the next time..as always..

Take care out there xx

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