Doing things the 'right' way...according to who ?
Hello everyone, well, here we are again, half way through another week and possibly struggling slightly, but, we are all still here (hopefully), so we haven't given up, so that's a positive note to begin this post.
Since trying to become an author, I have read a lot about what it takes to succeed and what the 'right' strategies are, what I've learned, is much like every other part of life, it seems to boil down to priorities. As an example, just before I released 'The Last Day', I was told, writing a standalone novel was pretty much pointless as there's apparently so much more money to be made in writing a series of books. I felt pretty sure this is probably true, I investigated further, I found people were turning out books at a frightening rate - each one about 55,000 words long and appearing within only a few weeks of each other. So obviously from a financial point of view, it does make more sense to rapidly release a series of books - after all, as I was told, you have to treat writing as a business. I have also been shocked by the amount of advertising costs people seem to spend on promoting these series - it runs to several thousands of dollars each month ! Now, I have no shame in admitting, I don't have those kind of resources, so even if I did manage to write at that rate, would I ever reach the mass audiences? It seems unlikely.
I should imagine it takes an extraordinary level of discipline to write consistently high quality books at such a speed, so those who manage to achieve this goal, well, they are worthy of respect. However, I don't feel this is right for me - not that I am saying their approach is wrong, or, mine is better...its just we are on different paths and both are equally valid.
Beyond the writing world, I think people live their lives with different priorities too - some, it's all about the money, earning as much as possible to fund a certain kind of lifestyle. Again, this is the path they've chosen, but I do wonder, what they have to sacrifice - but I guess, what seems important to me would be little more than meaningless to them. Perhaps for them, having the very best of everything fulfils every need, whereas for others, other things seem more worthwhile - again priorities. All life is about diversity, so it follows,if we all wanted exactly the same things, way too many would end up being disappointed.
I am at a point in my life where I am trying to decide what my priorities are, when I look back, its been all about survival - being a single mother is not generally an easy road and mine has had its share of obstacles. But what now ? My children are adults, the days of the school run, having McDonalds as a treat and going to the park to play on the swings are long gone. So what's right for me now?
In recent years, I obviously thought I could try being an author, purely as an activity in my spare time, just to see if I could actually write a book. It turned out, I could, in fact, to date, I have written four books but what now ? Should I focus on making writing my business ? And if so, how ? Do I write a series, spend hours glued to my little bedroom desk, frantically typing the adventures for a handful of characters with deadlines looming large every month or so ? I originally wrote for pleasure, the scenario I've just described sounds more like a punishment for me. As I said before, I have tremendous respect for those who can work that way, they're obviously enormously successful but I just can't see it working for me.
So what am I left with ? As many women of a certain age, I feel like I still have something to offer the world which entails more than just working to pay the bills. The thought I am going to spend the rest of my time on the planet, doing little more than working, going home, working, going home - well, to be brutally honest, fills me with dread. So what's the 'right' thing to do ? I wish I knew. Like so many people, I am caught between responsibilities and wishes...and it's a dilemma I haven't really resolved.
As always, I welcome your thoughts, perhaps, like me, you're at a kind of crossroads in your life and getting very mixed messages about what you 'should' be doing - I would love to hear how you're approaching this phase, have you just decided to strike out on your own with a 'to hell with you all' attitude ? Or are you all too aware of your responsibilities ? Or maybe you're fearful when you think about leaping into the unknown.
I have often thought, it would have been helpful, when you're born, to be given a manual..'How to Live'...that way we would all have a constant reference point, so whatever issue you found yourself facing, you could just look it up and there would be the definitive answer. Perhaps that would make life too easy, but I know I could certainly use such a book, for the most part, I seem to 'wing it' and hope for the best.
Well, time for me to start getting ready for another working day, I'm not going to lie, I don't really want to go,but those pesky responsibilities of mine, won't give me any peace. I'm doing the 'right' thing in the eyes of society, but through my own eyes ? Well, not quite so sure.
Look after yourselves until we meet always,
Take care out there xx
Since trying to become an author, I have read a lot about what it takes to succeed and what the 'right' strategies are, what I've learned, is much like every other part of life, it seems to boil down to priorities. As an example, just before I released 'The Last Day', I was told, writing a standalone novel was pretty much pointless as there's apparently so much more money to be made in writing a series of books. I felt pretty sure this is probably true, I investigated further, I found people were turning out books at a frightening rate - each one about 55,000 words long and appearing within only a few weeks of each other. So obviously from a financial point of view, it does make more sense to rapidly release a series of books - after all, as I was told, you have to treat writing as a business. I have also been shocked by the amount of advertising costs people seem to spend on promoting these series - it runs to several thousands of dollars each month ! Now, I have no shame in admitting, I don't have those kind of resources, so even if I did manage to write at that rate, would I ever reach the mass audiences? It seems unlikely.
I should imagine it takes an extraordinary level of discipline to write consistently high quality books at such a speed, so those who manage to achieve this goal, well, they are worthy of respect. However, I don't feel this is right for me - not that I am saying their approach is wrong, or, mine is better...its just we are on different paths and both are equally valid.
Beyond the writing world, I think people live their lives with different priorities too - some, it's all about the money, earning as much as possible to fund a certain kind of lifestyle. Again, this is the path they've chosen, but I do wonder, what they have to sacrifice - but I guess, what seems important to me would be little more than meaningless to them. Perhaps for them, having the very best of everything fulfils every need, whereas for others, other things seem more worthwhile - again priorities. All life is about diversity, so it follows,if we all wanted exactly the same things, way too many would end up being disappointed.
I am at a point in my life where I am trying to decide what my priorities are, when I look back, its been all about survival - being a single mother is not generally an easy road and mine has had its share of obstacles. But what now ? My children are adults, the days of the school run, having McDonalds as a treat and going to the park to play on the swings are long gone. So what's right for me now?
In recent years, I obviously thought I could try being an author, purely as an activity in my spare time, just to see if I could actually write a book. It turned out, I could, in fact, to date, I have written four books but what now ? Should I focus on making writing my business ? And if so, how ? Do I write a series, spend hours glued to my little bedroom desk, frantically typing the adventures for a handful of characters with deadlines looming large every month or so ? I originally wrote for pleasure, the scenario I've just described sounds more like a punishment for me. As I said before, I have tremendous respect for those who can work that way, they're obviously enormously successful but I just can't see it working for me.
So what am I left with ? As many women of a certain age, I feel like I still have something to offer the world which entails more than just working to pay the bills. The thought I am going to spend the rest of my time on the planet, doing little more than working, going home, working, going home - well, to be brutally honest, fills me with dread. So what's the 'right' thing to do ? I wish I knew. Like so many people, I am caught between responsibilities and wishes...and it's a dilemma I haven't really resolved.
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...oh if only it were that easy, Norman..... |
As always, I welcome your thoughts, perhaps, like me, you're at a kind of crossroads in your life and getting very mixed messages about what you 'should' be doing - I would love to hear how you're approaching this phase, have you just decided to strike out on your own with a 'to hell with you all' attitude ? Or are you all too aware of your responsibilities ? Or maybe you're fearful when you think about leaping into the unknown.
I have often thought, it would have been helpful, when you're born, to be given a manual..'How to Live'...that way we would all have a constant reference point, so whatever issue you found yourself facing, you could just look it up and there would be the definitive answer. Perhaps that would make life too easy, but I know I could certainly use such a book, for the most part, I seem to 'wing it' and hope for the best.
Well, time for me to start getting ready for another working day, I'm not going to lie, I don't really want to go,but those pesky responsibilities of mine, won't give me any peace. I'm doing the 'right' thing in the eyes of society, but through my own eyes ? Well, not quite so sure.
Look after yourselves until we meet always,
Take care out there xx