All love can speak its name...

Well, another Monday begins and will, no doubt, bring its own unique set of challenges, so I hope you’re feeling ready for it all, let me begin by wishing you luck for your week. So what is filling my mind? Actually, it’s all about being offended. Now, I am in absolutely no position to lecture anyone, but I did used to believe whatever your belief system, religious faith or personal life code, the concept of acceptance of all people, was fundamental, but recently, I am starting to wonder, let me explain...

I have some truly wonderful Facebook friends, and yes, before you ask, I do actually know them, thankfully I have rarely been duped into believing I am in regular contact with some gorgeous hunk when it’s actually a balding, middle-aged man who lives in his parents’ basement who messages me, while taking a break from his latest Warcraft quest, (yes, I know it’s you, Nigel, and no, I will never want to see your ‘special’ sword which, when its gripped tightly, comes alive).

So anyway, back to my friends, now I am blessed with an especially liberal group, you can be into anything sexually, post pictures of men with men, women with men, men with women – in fact whole groups of people and nobody will say anything more than either ‘Dayum’ or ‘Yes please’ - (oh sorry, if you are hoping I am going to share all those pictures here, that’s not happening because most aren’t mine to share). As you can therefore imagine, we are a pretty happy, supportive group, but every so often, some stranger will report a picture or a post for ‘obscenity’ or ‘excessive nudity’ or some other such phrase to the secret labyrinth of Facebook Administration and a friend is subsequently sent to the murky world that is FB jail for a few days, undoubtedly ‘to think about what they’ve done’. Now, I should stress, ALL the pictures are tasteful, whichever expression of human love is being depicted, so we aren’t talking hardcore porn. So obviously, whoever does this reporting, finds something morally wrong with what they’re seeing, I do feel this is true, because very often the pictures which cause the most issues seem to be of men/men or women/women. For me, the true irony is, if a picture is posted of a kneeling woman, naked but for a dog collar, while a masked man stands over her with a whip – nothing happens at all! So I can only assume, these moralists, as they would undoubtedly describe themselves, find only the same sex images truly offensive.

But the question is, are they? Now obviously everyone is entitled to have their own taste, personally, I do struggle with some BDSM images I have seen, but do I think they’re morally wrong? No. For me, what two consenting adults choose to do in their own bedroom or perhaps that should be dungeon, is entirely up to them and obviously people do enjoy pictures depicting such activities. Surely, moral outrage should be reserved for any pictures which involve children or animals. But it would seem, even the most harmless, beautiful picture of two men embracing, is enough to get some people red-faced and breathless while frantically hammering a keyboard to register their disgust.


What I find especially difficult, is very often, these ‘complainers’ will make a point of expressing the fact they’re ‘good Christians’ and as such, are somehow morally obligated to take action. I am not an especially religious person, but even I know, to be open and supportive to the concept of love, should be a part of faith. They also seem to forget the phrase ‘judge not, lest you be judged’ and yet they have absolutely no problem sitting in judgement of others. I have personally been on the receiving end of their particular brand of criticism, mainly it seems, because, as I said before, I am not offended by anything my friends post. They went on to say as a mother I should be, after all, I don’t want my daughters growing up thinking everything shown in these pictures is ‘normal’ - naturally I was quick to respond, saying considering all the hate and violence in the modern world, the fact there are still images of two people expressing their love for each other is something I want them to see, appreciate and support whole-heartedly.

I do wonder what would happen if these self-proclaimed moral guardians ever managed to get any real power beyond the confines of social media, would we suddenly be faced with a raft of legislation which would ultimately result in censorship? Where only a percentage of the experience of human love could be depicted within all the creative arts, while anything considered ‘wrong’ would be an arrestable offence? Speaking personally, I believe that would be truly offensive.

I am sorry, I have tried not to make this post sounds like a lengthy rant, I am also acutely aware, as you read this, there might be those who are scrabbling for their keyboard in outrage, while mentally composing their irate response. I consider myself fortunate to live in a society where free speech is still alive and well, so please do get in touch with your thoughts- all are welcome here. I just hope all are welcome with you too...until the next time..

Take care out there xx

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