Looking back to go forwards...
Well, here we are,
halfway through the week already – where does the time go? Anyway,
while on the subject of time, I’ve been thinking about life and how
perhaps we can fall into the trap of believing we have plenty of
years ahead, so we put off doing things. I am sure, you’re the
same, but I often find myself saying, ‘I will do that when I have
time’, but sad to say, I am not sure the ‘time’ I mention,
every actually happens. Other things get in the way, and what seemed
to be of vital importance a month ago, seems to have somehow got
As I mentioned in a
previous post, I am active on Facebook, and many times I see quotes
posted by friends about making the most of your life, which is
obviously a wise sentiment, but recently they got me thinking- was I
really making the most of mine? It’s true, I have spent several
years as a single parent, so my time was devoted to raising my
children and providing for them. Looking back, I don’t regret a
moment of doing that, I chose to bring them into the world so they
were, and still are, my responsibility and, aside from anything else,
I love them. But now they are older, my role in their lives has
changed, so what now? When I was writing ‘Changes’, the central
character faces a similar situation, where she looks at her future,
she finds this step into the unknown quite intimidating and I think,
in reality, we all do.
I know from my own
experience, because I had children, most things were done with them
in mind, so, for example, reckless spending just wasn’t an
option,(although as those of you who are single parents will know,
the opportunities for such an activity are as rare as hens’ teeth).
I cannot tell you how many times I would carefully save money so I
could treat myself to something, and one of the kids would come home
either with a letter asking for the money for a school trip or the
infamous ‘I’ve lost my sports kit/pencil case/school jumper/shoes
etc.’ Oh yes, there have been many gloomy trips into town to buy a
replacement item, while wistfully realising my treat would be
postponed again.
But now, as those
years have largely passed, although I do occasionally get ‘my phone
is out of credit’, I have time to focus on myself. I have to
confess, at first, I had no ideas what I wanted to do with all this
new time, the future seemed like a vast, empty void and I had nothing
to fill it with at all. So, I tried looking back for inspiration, to
that time in the dim and distant past, before motherhood, who had I
been then? Well, from the first look through the old photographs, I
was an insult to fashion! Suddenly all those times my father would
look at my latest skimpy creation and politely enquire ‘Where’s
the rest of it?’ Or, more often, my mother would remark I looked
‘tarty’, to which I invariably answered, ‘Jam or Apple?’ This
response always resulted in one of her icy glares which could reduce
grown men to a heap of radioactive dust. But when I looked beyond the
fashion nightmare, I saw the face of my younger self and it made me
remember, back then, I was fearless, to me, life was an adventure,
filled with possibilities and I was hellbent on having them all. When
I checked out my own, current reflection, well, I did wonder where
that had gone, but, of course, it hadn’t ‘gone’ anywhere, it
was just partially buried under responsibility and the notion it now
was the time for being more ‘sensible’.
Thankfully, a
further glance at that younger me, reminded me ‘sensible’ had
never really been a major part of my personality, just a look at my
towering high heeled boots which, at the time, I wore to almost every
occasion, including a rock concert in a field, confirmed that belief.
Suddenly a glorious epiphany occurred, now the children were older, I
didn’t have to be ‘sensible’ or ‘responsible’ any more –
So now filled with
this joyous revelation, I remembered how much I’d loved to write,
so, after several false starts, I wrote a book and then another, in
fact, as I am writing this today, a third is well on its way too. I
had always wanted to travel again, so a couple of years ago, I hopped
on a plane and flew alone to Melbourne,(as to why Australia, well,
that’s another story). I cannot tell you just how many people in my
life have shaken their heads in dismay at my antics, commenting ‘it
will all end in tears’ or ‘ flying across the world on your own?
That’s just asking for trouble’. But do you know something? Over
these past three years, I have had just the best time and I am not
done yet – life is meant to be lived, so we should all make the
most of the one we are given, (I want to make it clear, I have total
respect for those faiths which believe in reincarnation, but I hope
you see what I mean without taking offence).
So if you’re
facing a similar situation, where the future seems to hold nothing
more exciting than buying a comfy pair of slippers, look back to your
younger self and if they were reckless, give that another try and if
they weren’t, well, be that rebellious teenager you longed to
be..after all, it is your life...until the next time…
Take care out there